This Kid Completely Destroyed Me In 30 Seconds

This was round 2 of a blitz tournament I played in Menorca, Spain. Hope you enjoy the video!!

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#annacramling #chess #blitz

%1$ Comments200

    4:05 Cramling! After you moved your Queen to D5 he coud have moved his Knight B6 MAKING A FAST FORK of your Queen & Rook but instead he moved his other Knight to F2. You moved your White Bishop to G4 to pin the Knight on F2 against his Queen then suddeny he moved his Knight to B6 to do the Fork. In this position you could have saved your two major pieces by doing a check Queen to E6 so he will move his King or defend with his Queen or White Bishop then you move your Rook to D8 saving the two! It is better if you castled Early moving your Black Bishop to E7 to remove the Pin on your Knight to your Queen then Pawn to H6 to Kick out his Bishop if not he will take your Knight then Take Back With Your Bishop after that you castle, your position will be better and equal in piece exchange. In this position 5:21 it will be better to move your rook to C8 then later on you could Castle King Side so you could connect the TWO ROOKS! Yeah right Anna by record you lost on time but before you lost on time you trully lost on position within your 7th to 9th move 2:11. The Jovava/Jobaba opening is not something you know a lot, lesson learned! You have a new lesson to study.

    At 4:35, Qe6+ followed by Rd8 defends against the fork. In-between checks, easy to miss, especially when low on time!

    Anna gets destroyed by everyone, time to go to OF and get a BBC and be destroyed again

    Difícil no conocer la apertura, ¿pero cual fue tu error en el análisis posterior?.

    I have played Stanley and met him multiple times, he destroyed me. Very strong young player who recently became a CM

    I never lose. Either I win or I learn.

    It is by falling from a horse that we learn to ride.

    You lost the game, yes, but you know how to choose good, epic background music.

    he gives off hans vibes, same facial expressions, must be from the same mold

    that was a tough game. good try anna!

    We miss Anna. Just hope she doesn't come back with a live stream and tell us all about her chess happenings that we never get to see live. GO Anna.

    Love your humility Anna, and how you appreciate Stanley's game – even though he crushed you!
    It's great to be a good loser as well as a good winner.

    Most people could… your only rated 2000??

    yeah.. sideshow bob knew what he was doing, he got you there 🙂

    In the video "The SECRET To Stop Blundering Your Pieces In Chess"

    Opponent: Good, she only has 12 seconds left, she must be panicking, she's about to blunder so hard.
    Anna: Shenanimenanigans? Shannanamanigans? Shenannamanagans?

    5:45 'he was playing all the good mews' (or moves?!) What d'you think is she saying? 🙂

    Loses game on time " One might say that i lost the game on time" yeah you just did…

    Yes, more videos please, we want to see new one every day in our house

    I like that you show games that you win, draw and lose.

    Anna if you could show all the games that would be awesome, i watch gotham, nemo and hikaru and you too. My fave streamers so i reckon you should just do all the ges 🙂

    Anna only plays on theory, without innovation and adaptive skills??

    At 4:00 , why the kid dosn't play knight A4 to B6 ? A very good Fork between her Queen D5 and the Tower A1. Bigger pressure and worth it to the exchange : Tower for Knight ???

    3:00 why didn’t you play this? Capturing the knight? Surely there has to be something that I don’t see.

    Stanley looks like the most chill guy! Would love to hear his voice 😀 Loved this video

    I would have a hard time playing you as I would be to distracted by your stunning beauty, and your wonderful charm.

    Study less cow and more normal openings ….

    When in doubt what to play, just develop your pieces.

    I'm playyin chess let's play agents each other

    On your question, sure I'd love to see more game (especially ranked/official games).

    Were these FIDE games or 5 minutes not ranked games?

    I used to be nationally ranked and was also a Certified Tournament Director (e.g., 1970s). Back then, we had to keep a log of our moves (descriptive or algebraic); I take it from this video that documenting your moves is no longer required. Does anyone still do it?

    The fork was there as soon as she moved her queen to d4

    What if I want to play with you?🫠

    Have you tried a Live Stream at one of your Blitz warm up tournaments? I have not watched all of your content to know if you have tried a live stream.

    Now that you have said you don't like to face that opening and don't understand the theory… it is out there. All the other competitors heard it. You gotta make it your mission to learn it and and make it a strength. Maybe practice defending that opening with your parents. I don't play myself, just enjoy watching your content. You've made chess interesting to a lot of people that otherwise wouldn't care. You got this! Cheers!!!

    she’s allowed to always be at this table to record?

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