This Kid Completely Destroyed Me In 30 Seconds

This was round 2 of a blitz tournament I played in Menorca, Spain. Hope you enjoy the video!!

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#annacramling #chess #blitz

%1$ Comments200

    Anna is one of my favorites, but she just stresses me out thinking so long..

    Want to see more games with your commentary.

    You are one of the real ones Anna you were extremely respectful and you went as far as to make this video and detail all the things you didn't know and what you learned and were very nice to your competition you may think this is normal behaivor but the world is full of narcisists and disrespecful "players" if you will. It's very heart warming for me to watch you play with so much respect and it's clear to me that your heart is made of gold. A pleasure to watch you "lose" as it is to watch you "win". Those were in quotes because you know what I mean.

    Cute the way you say 7: "savvin". Never heard that before 😊

    It was amazing watching his eye movements, pre-playing a lot of moves in his head. 🙂

    Horible game how did she lose bruh so easy to win a 2200

    That kid in the background at 7:04 digging for buried treasure effortlessly switches between both – IMHO, sod the Chess what he's doing takes real talent. I hope he's rewarded for his endeavours

    Dude he put his side back in order so dang fast too.. and reset clock. Dudes a wizard.

    Hi! I'm just a 6-year-old who absolutely loves chess, and I really admire you! This video was so captivating, especially seeing how the game unfolded with such intense moves. Stanley played incredibly well, and I learned a lot about the Jabava London opening, which seems really tricky! Even though the game didn't go your way, it's amazing to see young players like Stanley excelling. I'm always excited to learn more from these games, so please keep sharing more tournament experiences. Thanks for an inspiring video!

    I bet I could destroy in 29 seconds. But id prefer to do it over 2 hours

    when are people going to understand that Anna is not a good chess player, but just a good enough youtuber.

    Very helpful commentary and schematic. Great review

    Stanley has such a great smile and together with this haircut, you just have to adore him.


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    When she got put in the fork she could've went Qe3 check and moved the Rook,no?

    Really loving this game commentary, Anna! Keep it coming ☺️

    I played his older brother in southend and we had a great chat. What a player.

    Ur to slow honey ,,but gd game Anna x

    kids a terminator. it was a good game. oh well.

    @AnnaCramling @here Why was castling not considered 5:06? Any reason it would be bad in the long term?

    Especially impressive considering he was playing on hardmode. Being a teenage boy playing against such a beautiful woman has got to subtract at least 100 or so from his rating.

    I wouldn't be able to concentrate if I was sitting opposite this beautiful girl.

    Question/ what an i missing?
    At around the 3 min and 15 sec of video, after white move his knight to a4, why doesn't black move Q-a5 check and then next move capture the white knight on a4 if white didn't move it or if white moved knight- c3, Black plays pawn on D4x knight on c3?

    I like that you show your loss. It shows humility. The world needs more of that.

    My advice to you anna is go to training grounds with a grandmaster.likely to your mother but add another too..your attacking style is very weak.. I watched your games..😊.

    Oh, dear.. ! -Thanks for posting. Good game!

    When she refers to the "theory" of the London, What does she mean by that?

    He seems to be a nice dude, friendly, smiling, respectful. As far as I understand so far about this sport, he can't become a GM this way, right?

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