Tommy Körberg – Anthem (Chess)

“Tommy Körberg – Rakt Upp och Ner” live at Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, 2006

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    …. every one need too here this befor they die….

    Innan jag lyssnade på det här klippet så lyssnade jag på när han sjöng "Stad i Ljus" i Melodifestivalen 1988. Även om Tommy håller än idag så blir det tyvärr uppenbart att han bara är väldigt bra idag, och inte längre någon världsklasssångare.

    Those who think Josh Groban sings this with more passion than Tommy K are propably the same ones that think Gypsy Kings made the definitive version of "Hotel California" and that Michael Bolton is the the best r & b singer ever.

    What a marvel! I wish Chess would come to Greece sometime…

    Ingen sjunger denna med sån inlevelse och passion som Tommy, ingen, han är bäst ! Och vilken röstkontroll han har , ojojoj …

    Im almost crying, Tommy set chills down my spines… Yes Tommy is number one

    @MrLoullers Passion? Power? Certainly. But I must respectfully add my opinion that Tommy's version, while a pleasure to listen to, is over-dramatic. For true feeling, for genuine exxpressionism, I feel you can't beat Josh Groban

    "My land's only borders lie around my heart" – instant goosebumps everytime…

    Som man säger i Tyskland: "Gott hat im in die Kehle Geschissen!"

    @QuaeCarcajou Thanks. Now is this song better for me, because I like meaning of text/ lyrics. (Somebody told it is ironic song.)

    I never seen The Chess musical. Does anybody tell me what is the sense of this song?

    Världens bästa manliga sångare, utan tvekan.

    Alltså, hur jädra gammal är han inte här? Herregud… skulle vilja höra honom sjunga den här i true talent 🙂 Självklart i original-tonarten ;D

    I absolutly LOVE this song and I think Tommy sings this so perfectly. I think this should be our national anthem! But in swedish of coarse =D I love love love the lyrics!!!!!!!!! This is how I feel about my country Sweden <3

    Can you imagine that this man have never taken a single voice lesson!!! Some people just have it! Amazing!!!

    Josh Groban isn't even close to this guy… jesus you folks

    @maryjolly88 @maureenmo1 The story goes that Björn and Benny wrote this particular piece for Tommy specifically. And though Tommy was originally only considered for vocal work on the LP only (released in 1984) he made such an impression he even landed the part in the actual musical. The LP also features Björn Skifs of Blue Swede (Billboard #1 w. their cover of Hooked on a Feeling) on vocals for The Arbiter track.

    @maureenmo1, thanks for poingting out the version xtremesenda uploaded, it is indeed very good..

    Man får rysningar av denna, mäktig låt.

    He does have a nice voice, but I don't "feel" it like when Josh Groban sings it. How you feel makes such an difference. I love the passion when JG sings.

    @maureenmo1 The first time this song was recorded was way back in 1983!! By "this fellow" Tommy Körberg, who is the only one able to really sing this song. My personal favourites of this one is the original recording session from 1983, the live one from the Chess in concert from 1989 and the swedish version he sang live at Skansen. I suggest you try listen to more Körberg, he has the best voice in the world 🙂

    This is the song for all patriots, all feeling people everywhere. Amen, Tommy K.!

    A great performance. I personally think Michael Ball has the best voice to do this song, but Korberg gives it balance and feeling that make up for Ball's power. We are fortunate to have so many great talents offering their interpretation of this great piece.

    @maureenmo1 hello 🙂 tommy körberg is very famous in his home country (sweden) and he was the first one to sing this song back in 1986 when the musical Chess (where the song comes from) opened in London. I suggest you listen to the version that user "xtremesenda" has uploaded, here on the right, I think that's the best performance of this song I've ever heard…

    Wilkerson owns Valjean, Crawford owns The Phantom, and Tommy Korberg will forever own Anatoly Sergievsky. Other people play the part and sing the songs but Korberg actually appears to become the part. The depth of emotion he brings with each rendering leaves all the others standing at the gate. While I've learned to enjoy other versions Chess, nothing will ever equal the original cast and recording. I even get goose bumps when he sings it in Swedish!

    This is another epic performance by the one and only – Tommy Körberg, singing "Anthem" from Chess. No other singer will even come close.
    Huge affection-factor !

    this is a fantastic performance,it is truly his song.

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