Tommy Körberg – Anthem (Chess)

“Tommy Körberg – Rakt Upp och Ner” live at Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, 2006

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    One Of The Best He’s Has Singing !
    And Love This Song From My Hart.

    Didn't like this at all….sorry. Anthony Warlow's version is so far superior.

    Many singers tried to sound like Mr Tommy Körberg…. they haven`t succeded.
    Always no:1.
    The power in his voice❤️

    Fantastic version. Also check out Jan Werner who sings it from his heart also. Sadly hes not with us anymore.

    GREAT song but he does the worst version in my opinion….and why the hell is there an electric guitar solo in this?…

    a wonderful singer and a lovely song. How 171 people gave this the thumbs down is inexplicable!

    Dall'Italia grande e bravo Tommy, viva la Svezia.

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    I cross pety natios but im still here now… so yeah w take you all

    Helvete vad duktig han är. Mycket Händel i detta

    I love this song so much and only this master can perform it!

    Sista sekunden i Tommys ögon; där ser han minsann nöjd ut 🙂 Och det ska han banne mig vara! Där satt det; he nailed it! Wonderful! Beautiful! Perfectamente!

    For me he is the the one and only unbeaten Russian through all these years since 1985. Thumbs up with the three Knights who had casted him for the concept album of CHESS. Tommy was, is and will be the incredible master of this incredible masterpiece in musical songs !!!!

    2020-09-14- stil wonderful song from Tommy Körberg , autstanding voise.

    Här visar du att din röst bär över registret

    En av de bästa musikallåtarna någonsin, men vad gör snubben i början av klippet som "övar" schack med bara vita pjäser..? 😅

    Tommy är otroligt duktig!!😊🌻🙏

    Tommy Korberg has always had the definitive performances of this piece. every one of his earlier versions are outstanding. check out this one. And hear the voice in it's earlier full bloom.

    Tommy is phenomenal! The best swedish male singer of his generation, in fact one of the best singers and performers of his generation in the world!

    As beautiful, if not more so, than the original 84 version he recorded.

    An honour to sing this anthem, and in line of many with gøød intentions…. we all fall short, there has always been songs for people like Tommy and Jussi (Björling), near exclusively. Leave them be, sing wirh them, but never challenge their talent, they are untouchables👌

    My Great Sweden is done .. so sad so…….

    More than 30 years after I first heard this and it STILL gives me "chills". A masterclass; never bettered.

    OTROLIGT vilken sångare, Unbelievable, What A Singer- Tommy Körberg !

    Han har en röst som når in långt in i evigheten

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