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He changed his Title 👀👀
Levy I love your content, i love when you roast lower leveled players like me 😂 so funny
“Oh no, I’m getting the rook’d”🤣🤣
LOL Gotham just sacd the rook irl and me today in my first open tournament I sacd the rooooook too
he touched grass
It is funny how americans think their country and its cities are great, and then they get to europe. Mind you, any city you visit for a holiday is great.
One time I played at Washington park… Lost like $20 too 😂😒
Who was in paris?
yeah right, everyone knows you sacrificed your lower half to get such a high elo
He also played against anna kramling, and he beat her with the cow opening haha
Fun fact: if you put an "o" between karo and khan, a "rook" appears in the word that's formed
Dude, congrats on your 4M subs!. It is well deserved. Keep grinding, ROOOOOOKTASTIC!!!
Who was in Paris, Levi?
Can you imagine French people saying that an iconic place in France is inferior to an iconic part in the USA? and Americans are supposed to be the ones that are nationalistic. If you compare the right-wingers of the USA with the average French person, yes, but that is like comparing the WNBA to the football league (soccer) of Honduras and concluding that in the Americas, women are taller than men as on average.
As a human being that lives in Paris, New York is Better than Paris. (don't you dare pin me pls 😢)
Why do you think Orbital Racer didn't want to play with Professor Gambit? In this video, he asks about it. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T9MJKJuXjjQ
The roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
The Rooooook~
Great video Levy! Very fun and instructive!
Where is the gay stare comment??
Ahh Levy is in paris that makes sense
Even GM can miss M1 with low time.
New level of sacrificing. DE ROOOOOOOK!!!! In Real life sacrificing
I thought the dog was your most important fan.
3:00 "quack"
congrats on 4mil!!!
Anyone else notice the potential fork after the first bishop check?
The roooooooooook
Who was in Paris?
6:55 22:00
Levy:"You never saw my feet"
Also Levy:"I'm bad, trash, Bro, brrrrrr"
Only Legend knows what I'm talking about
bro celebrated 4 mills subs two days ago and already has 4.01. 10k people subbed in a day. what a boss
I like these vids were Goham touches grass
He’s not kidnapped anymore yay
Nah even Gothamchess pulled up to France 💀
Mettons les blagues a part, c'est bien de voir Levy à Paris
Puede que no me entiendan, pero que ganas de ser como levy, literal logro tener una muy buena esposa y tener cabeza para chess. que grande
Nice to see levy back in the real world for the first time after his kidnapping
THE ROOOOK will never ever get old
Imitating Hikaru can be painful! 🤣 1:31
6:46 21:54
Wait, who was in Paris?
Congrats on 4 mil Gotham!
Reminder that Nemo bought her title and scammed her audience.
While you were destroying Nemo in Paris, I was busy playing my worst tournament ever in Saint-Lô (4/9) D=
levy is officially 3500 !!!! now i want stockfish 16 vs 3500 levy …. or even redemption from mittens
i got 911 flashbacks from the title