“What Did We Just Witness!?” Chess World Incredulous Over Hikaru Insanity

“What Did We Just Witness!?” Chess Freakout Over Incredible Bullet chess Championship Final between Hikaru Nakamura and Alireza Firouzja

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#chess #hikaru #alirezafirouzja #epicchess

%1$ Comments9

    I think after the final, there must be 3 bullet matches (with 20 game each etc) between finalists in different days to make sure who is the best. in bullet.

    I rate this video 3.6. Not great, not terrible!😂

    lmaoooo! man this channel is hilarious, i love it!

    Hero worshipping is off the charts on this channel.

    Hikaru HAHAMURA the loser. Poor guy tried to create the drama but still failed!! Alireza just crushed him. The winning trophy also said NONOMURA!

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