What happened to Hans Niemann?
Photo by Lennart Ootes, the GOAT: and
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Narrow margin of error.
Our boy Hans forgot to pull out the plug out
Levy is a statistics major and confused about margin of errors hahahahaha
He was the best chess villain ever… we need a sequel. Magnus still looking under his bed for Hans.
Beads ran out of battery
looks like hans forgot to change the batteries.
I wanna see Hans win. He plays exciting chess. Plus i thought Magnus just simply got smacked over the board in that game. It happens, and calling him out without actual evidence was a weak move from the goat.
"Low… high??" Small, Levy, the margin is very small!
The margin is either big or small/thin, and in this case, the margin was small, because you got no room for error.
the beads broke
Hans speaks for himself
Chess speaks for itself. 2500 max plank
He replaced his batteries.
Magnus Coral son
Don't you just love it when Goth does accents?
it's pronounced shüä
ah the monthly hans update!
Hans lost his good vibrations.
8:59 is the f3 horse pinned to something ?
Hans probably cheated in this perfect game
Regarding 9:37 – Margin of error is very slim (tense), as opposed to wide (relaxed). That's the word you were looking for. Think of literal margins on the side of a paper; they're not high or low, but instead wide or slim. With a slim margin, your pencil has less distance to travel before you make a mistake. With a wide margin, you can comfortably screw up without going off the paper.
I think even reaching 2700 at some point speaks for itself.
He is cheater fr
Nobody cares about Hans.
he sac the rook after 20 min and them 5 min bishop c2 and i watched all norway livestream players are spending 30 min just when they lose prep this is something and the fun fact is why didn't he calculated the first opponent rook sacrifice 😅
It’s “Low”
When the batteries in your butt plug die vs. when they're fully charged
9:50 I think the word you're looking for is volatile
If hans was an animal . He would be a cheetah
Yay. News on the buttplug chess guy.
Terrific show!! More Hans!
There is only one reason he's popular:"Chess speaks for itself"
Bro this kid playing style reminds me of Alpha Zero
buttplug malfunction
The margin for error is low.
Its somewhat unnecessary that you talk about his games cause his chess speaks for itself
That’s was a good anal’ysis of Hans
Chess speaks for itself
Levy coming back with another beadeo
Thats what happens when you don't charge beads battery.
gotham please tell me a vid where you don't start off saying, ladies and gentlemen
If you define the margin of error as the range in which you could blunder but win nevertheless, than you looked for a small margin
when you forget to turn on the …thing
Hans was a gift to any potential newcomers to chess. It showed exactly how lame and immature some of the biggest players in this community are. Hikaru especially is poison to the culture, why anyone would want someone like him to represent and spread the word of chess is mind boggling.
Hans is trash
the margin of error allowed is very low
Magnus is a cry baby … I hope Hans wins his lawsuit.
12:51 Your welcome
This video speaks for itself.