What happened to Hans Niemann?

Photo by Lennart Ootes, the GOAT: and

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%1$ Comments540

    1:27 How is he untitled. He is well over 2300, shouldn't he be a FIDE Master? Can anyone explain?

    Did you really just call the situation between Hans and Magnus the "biggest chess scandal in history"? That is downright blasphemous to say when Bobby Fisher exists as a person.

    After the tournament, the janitor was cleaning the bathroom and was disgusted when saw someone forgot to flush. He also noticed the poop was vibrating with something stuck to it.

    Hans: Lost against a 15 year old, unrated 2400 from China😢

    Turns on the Engine from his ass:

    Hans: Goes to win with a perfect game..👌

    I thought the answer to what happened to Hans Niemann is "Chess speaks for itself".

    Without the beads Magnus’ performance was meh

    The margin of error would be "small," as in, there is little room for error

    I thought that Andreea is most interesting 🎉

    Well Magnus lost a lot of elo since then too… UNO reverse card!

    I do appreciate it, thank you! Great vid as always!

    my mans haowen is untitled and got a GM norm now. damn.

    It's fascinating to see some modern techniques displayed by new generation chess players

    I watched those three seconds of video like 15 times. You’re a man after our own hearths, Levy.

    It's not his fault that his vibrator didn't catch those moves

    This is real Hans Niemann and I don't like you people mocking me. I'm quitting this shit.

    Is anyone else slightly concerned about Hans going from losing to a lower rated player to playing computer perfect game? This doesn't make me less convinced about the allegations to be honest. Fascinating games though. Xue's playstyle was incredible, I'd love to see more of his games!

    hans is either a pure genious of chess or a pure genious of cheating either way he is a genious.

    Howen Xue is clearly underrated. It's not all Hans' fault.

    FFS man if you're gponna post a picture of a MUPPET wearing a mask at least make it funny, try using a screen scrape from a mask used in Nina Conti's on stage performances, at least they're enjoyable to look at, not a reminder of "the scam of the century" sheesh 😉 Anyway, back to the chess (GET SOME OXYGEN XUE!!!)

    Watch out for what you say. You might get sued

    And he did wearing a mask not even being able to breathe.

    Fun fact: Hans last Name is german and translates to "Neverman". Hans Moke, Neverman

    bead boi still playing chess. the chess world is better off without cheaters like anal bead boi hans the cheater

    Are you a mind reader? I was just wandering about Hans yesterday

    levy, take for note that if you wanna call a Chinese person by their name, call them by the second word in their name! Haowen Xue's first name, for example, is Xue. sorry if I tell you what you already know with this comment I just got a bit confused because I thought you intended to call players by their first name in this vid😢

    I think this child was just underrated. Kid came out swinging

    It’s low margin for error bc that means no room for mistakes

    The problem is that Hans is not very consistent, maybe he has ADHD 😂

    Xue clearly had those beads on him. I mean, how can you defeat an opponent who is higher rated than you? Unbelievable, I hope Hans abandoned the tournament immediately after.

    Very good game by Haowen. Very good piece/pawn sacrifices opening up the position. Very good commentary by levy as well. Really enjoyed it.

    hello how do you send chess gams in♟

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