What is Magnus doing??????????
Photo by Stev Bonhage, GOAT:
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Gotham's chess commentary is legendary like Peter Drury's for football
Levy is the Stephen A of chess lol at some point he started making more money than the actual world class players playing the sport…and they’re looking at him like wtf is going on but because it’s all nerds it’s all good ❤
The comment section:
70% Levy kidnapped
29.9% Beaten-to-death joke of Magnus being relatively unknown
0.1% related to the games
Magnus has done with chess he obviusly do everything he can for the chess
Can someone explain the kidnapping thing I am new to gothams channel
What up, levy?
My cousin faisal rahman recommended your channel to me, and I gotta say, man, your videos are impressive, fun and edutaning. Keep it up.
I don’t particularly like chess but i enjoy levy’s reactions 😁
Your'e at 4 million subs already?! That's geometric growth
Still shadow banned youtube?
11:00 I thought Rook+Bishop vs.Rook is practically more likely to be a win for the side with the bishop
Why Magnus is not playing for candidates?
Why isn’t Magnus playing in the candidates ?
Good video
Respect for the kidnapper to give him a camera to record this
I love you Levy❤
Agadmator posted waaaaaay first bro.
For the record, I'm a bad person and I'm wildly popular
“Unless you’re a bad person..” haha
your voice is overcompressed to death
What exactly is Magnuses problem with the candidates?
Did Lucy force you to wear that wedding ring when in LA. 😅
Hope you're doing better soon my dude
Huge props to Levi’s microphone for allowing him to record his videos
Wdym you know which 3 make it, even with Magnus statement, tiebreaks tomorrow so you don't know 1 of 3 atleast 😀
Just remove magnus from title dude 🗿 stop milking him
magnus did say in his interview that A5 was a very crucial move ..
Los Angles is a very busy, stuffed, and tight place that I also find dislikeable!😥😥
Where is Levi now Edward Snowden's apartment?
4:20 thanks Levy!
Thats what i needed to hear 😂
Levy bring back the dark shades
I’m in LA. Let’s meet even if brief! Long time watcher first time commenter.
4:23 <3
Yo get out of here
Why is magnus not going to play Candidates tournament?
Magnus does what he wants
Gotham if you are held hostage, Wear blue next video…if you make it 😞😞
Weird vibes
Brother I’m with you on LA. Awful place. NYC is so much better.
4/8 indians in the quarter finals
1/4 Indians in the semi finals
Nijat will win the world cup ❤🇦🇿
At 16:38, After the castle QS, I think Vidit was thinking if Abasov pushed the pawns and jumped the night on C5 jumped back D3,then B4, and somehow made it to C6. He was avoiding the king/queen fork with the check.
The other side story is the likelihood of a Muzychuk-Goryachkina final in the women's side – if their governments will let it happen.
Bro it took me a solid 30 seconds to understand when u said “everybody dies.. spoiler” lol
Magnus played with 100 accuracy till move 18, anything levy said like other options are prob drawish, if not losing
Why is Magnus not playing the Candidates? Personal choice or isn't allowed?
magnus is very better than u. don't critique him lmao
Levy still making money under kidnapping true business man ❤
shoutout to Los Angeles being one of the worst places on the planet
New Yorker hating Los Angeles what else is new
Levi you are the best at showing chess games. You should tell stories too!