When Young Magnus Carlsen Became World Chess Champion
When Young Magnus Carlsen Became World Chess Champion
i am not ludwig
Video style inspired by Classical! Go check them out too 🙂
You are a liar!!!! This is not a match between these two players and the fact you did this just because its an isnteresting game to get views is unacceptable.
Good job not explaining the final lost critical moment
I don't get how he won 😕
Only Bobby Fischer made the game of CHESS a worldwide interests by millions of people.
games back then were weird
In my opinion, the worst thing about chess is resignations. Don't be a wussy, just play til you're mated.
2:19 really? white looks cramped. black looks open. I'd say black is better by 2:19 slightly. Where can white's bishop go? where can his knight go? nowhere. they are all blocked in with his own pawns!
Bro what's your elo? You talk like a lichess 1800 that's ridiculous
I don't see a blunder.
great guide for new players!!
Weird commentary. It doesn't 'devolve into the east Indian defense variation' It's the NIMZOINDIAN DEFENSE. Who is this guy? This is obviously aimed at people who know next to nothing about chess