When You’re About to FORK | What Chess Players Think #1
You want me to make more Baka Mitai videos, I did.
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Music used in this video:
Baka Mitai
#chess #WhatChessPlayersThink
Weird game
Someone took inspiration from chess memes
When you think you played a great game but then you see you made 7 inaccuracies, 15 mistakes, 52 blunders, 39 miss, 205 misdemeanor, and 420 first degree murder.
I have never laughed out loud at a chess video. You took my virginity. Now I will take your pawn.
I watched this at 1.5x speed thinking it was normal, and i think the vid was way more entertaining as a result.
had to slow it back down when i got to the outro lol
dafuq is this
Tick will be adopted
It’s certainly not the Baka Mitai I’m used to but I’ll take it
Knowing that you wrote the different voices is messing with my head.
What's that anime where it's basically one big meme about people trying to out smart each other? This is basically that, except they are actually idiots.
Better than the old series
This new content is so much fun. I laughed so hard I was almost crying. I love it. Keep it up bro
why are people hating on this? I thought it was fine.
Good video
edit: bro did you write the script for this video with chatgpt wtf
I don't get it
I don't really understand this video
Blundering a woman, did you mean tickmate?
Best sport anime this season, soccer has nothing on gay chess 🤭🤭🤭
chess simp and top chess collab when?
I am a tournament player but damn i rather play a good tournament player than be totured with this 200 elo game
It's nice and a but wierd to hear other tts in this channel.
Would like to see more anyway
It's been years simp finally
new voices are wigging me out. please don't use them again
2:25 he actually blundered his bishop
TopChess Simp
i respect the experiment but i want the old style back
2:21 You didn't say Tick…
Nvm those who didn't like it, I think it's a great twist on the original formula so that you can add your own humor and commentary with style. Probably a little tweaking of the pacing so it doesn't feel slowed down, but overall very enjoyable. Keep it up Simp!
Looks like I saw something like this before..
Ha, i liked the video, fk off people who didn't like it
I sincerely hope this is the only video you'll ever make in this series. This wasn't good.
The original commentary used to be much better and the older style was more fun too.
Not really enjoying this but better than nothing!
Sorry but I think we should keep it normal with only the song
Tick is actually called "garde" 🙂
I don't like this format
Chess Simp became Top Chess
Sorry but top chess does it so much better. The AI voice is just terrible and much too monotonous
What the f
I approve of this new video type.
Is it new style or real simp blundered his king (the channel sold)
sorry i don’t really like this style of video
Actually we have a word for "queen check". It's called "gardé"
why i started laughing at 2:18