Why Achraf Hakimi Is NOT Playing 4D Chess

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    Sad to see the 14-year old kid in the tweet is actually from my country 🥲🇬🇭

    Bro football twitter is so trash like everyone there has a combined IQ of 2.

    I’ve never seen someone who celebrated him as a cheater not gonna lie, so this is a first

    My guy woke up and chose to break the news to everyone well done the only thing missing is breaking news on the screen

    This is why Ronaldo & his fiance aren't marry yet, the divorce will drain 50% of his wealth

    As a new gen football fan I apologise for my communities actions.

    She doesn't deserve half his wealth
    She saw an upcoming big star and locked him up due to his Muslim teachings to not fool around with women
    Then at the first chance she got she filed for divorce and posted a pic of her with her "new man" and asked for half of his wealth

    I wish that the part of the story where she gets nothing is true
    Because she doesn't deserve any of his wealth

    It’s not that he cheated idk about that. It’s that the wife is trying to cash in 50% of his wealth

    Fiago: Achraf Hakimi is not playing 4d chess if i hear this non-sense phrase one more time I'm going to throw up
    Me : Achraf Hakimi is playing 4d chess
    Achraf Hakimi is playing 4d chess
    Achraf Hakimi is playing 4d chess
    Achraf Hakimi is playing 4d chess

    I think people are just happy someone doesn’t get half of his money for just existed after an unproven SA allegation

    But still we need to stop these women who take fortunes from divorces, that is why men don’t want to get married anymore. Look at the Besos case or the Gate case. It’s really the men who always lose in the divorce and for that only I’m on Achrsf’s team

    Hakimi is playing 4d chess

    (Let's see how much angry you get this time!)

    Spurs and Hamburg fans


    Hating all other football fans 😂😂😂

    Thank God I'm a 10 year old football fan😂.roast more cringe football fans

    If you said you don't know, then why are you telling this?
    For all I know it could be possibley be real, So shut your damn mouth cringey youtube guy. Heck your name is cringe

    football and other good stuff should be banned for this stupid "sigma" fans, seriously. It is the worse of internet rn

    bro just u dont know means the world doesnt know

    She doesn’t deserve shit ? What have she done to deserve it lol, ? She is the one who cheated most probably and wanna blame him

    Bro since when football fans were good anyways?

    Hakim is playing 4d chess. Throw up useless

    Thank God I am 15 years old and not 14 . Phew

    Fiago you just became my favorite Youtube football channel

    She is a fucken gold degger and she deserved this

    Achraf hakimi is playing 4D chess. There I said it again.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

    Wow I am glad that when I was 14, I just watched football like a normal person should

    He’s playing 4d chess

    There is your free throw up whenever you need to throw up look at this comment

    I got you

    The only 4D chess player here is ChatGPT

    Maybe @fiago should present something to disprove it than just say it

    Bro I didn't know that he was accused of cheating 😂😂 all I know is that everything is under hakimis mothers name

    This is one of the reason why I left football community months ago. I'm still watching football but I won't try to read those stupid 14 years old community talk shit

    Bro even if its unknow but came to be out true exept the cheating öart or few other things that phrase still makes no sense since he rly loves his mom and we saw that at the world cup .

    Why does hakimi wife want half of his money? I mean people tell she's a actress n all

    I don't agree with u on this video u just supporting feminism 😂 how tf a women who did nothing can get his money when he worked hard for it for many years this is not fair so stfu

    You shared that same story without doing research why are you roasting your self

    Hakimi playing 4D chest and what u gonna do u stupid fuck

    Ovaj Hakimi i njegova žena samo što mi iz frižidera ne izađu

    Dude is mad hakimi didn't go to jail 😅

    I still dont understand the Hakimi situation explain everything please 🎉

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