Why Brilliant Moves ARE A LIE
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22:00 I think it is a brilliant move because you save your knight in the corner, so instead of losing a night, you trade a rook for a bishop and save your knight 🗿
So you lose a knight (-3 points of material)
Or you trade bishop for rook and get a free knight (+1 points of material)
Why are levy's stories always oddly specific🤔
Watching 300 elo chess is like watching two blind people trying to swing punches at each other lol. I love it.
Me getting my first two brilliant moves earlier this week:😎
Gotham: Liar
The last brilliant move was to allow the knight in the corner to get out of jail, I think?
You help me not wanting to end myself
i think pawn push is brilliant because it allows you safely remove your more active piece from the corner(the knight) to safety while ignoring your less active piece(the rook)
5:08 brilliant move there…
Just because the position is equal doesn't mean a move can't be brilliant, if every other move is losing.
I didn’t get a brilliant move ever but once I got like a excellent move and it was taking the opponents queen with my queen while delivering checkmate
Why is first rook move brilliant? In 1st clip
Bro I just made my first brilliant move yesterday and here it comes to hit me 🥲
The last i think that is because gives an square to the horse to escape from the corner and opens the diagonal of the bishop, but i dont see the brilliancy
Me getting a brilliant move is rarer than gotham chess getting a haircut 💀
I got credited with brilliant move for 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f6 3. Nxe5!!
one time i got a brilliant for taking a free knight 💀
Once my opponent fully blundered his queen on move three, so I took it, my opponent resigned, that was a brilliant move.
Idea for game 2 @ 8:33 : Bb2 is brilliant because the following moves are Bxf7+, unpinning your rook and allowing the queen to develop into the game, and because black lost the queen, white gets a massive advantage. Bb2 is developing the dark squared bishop and blocking an attack on the rook, so that black has no counterplay against Bxf7+ (Kh8 is bad because it lines up with the bishop on b2)
Bb2 is brilliant because… Bxe2, Qxe2, Re8, Bxf7+, Kxf7, Qc4+
5:09 he squeaking
Lmao the last brilliant move
pretty sure the last one is because it enables bishop d4 which trades off bishops and wins a passed pawn (it wasn't that brilliant)
I remember practicing against a bot once, and I took a pawn with my knight that was defended by my opponent's knight, except the knight was pinned to the queen, and stockfish thought I was sacrificing my knight to win the queen, so it gave me a brilliant move
I’ve had one brilliant and it was a queen take that lost me the game in the end
Fun fact: if your opponent plays the Damiano and you take with the knight you get a brilliant move. At least at 870 it does
What is this sound at 5:09
Making a point and then starting your explanation with the counter-examples is something I've only really seen myself do. Pretty funny to see it here
as of lately, i believe the algorithm does adjust brilliant moves for elo since the new update. obvious tactics (even simply pinning pieces sometimes if the move is “obscure”) can get brilliants at lower levels, and as you get higher in elo the brilliant threshold gets harder to cross. lower elo players get brilliant moves for… no reason.
I play at this range of rating and people are not hanging their queens and bishops like that… trust me. Where do u find these guys? According to their gameplay i should be 1200 🤣🤣
21:13 You can tell from the eval bar that after B×Ra8, Q×Ba8 was actually a mistake. I think d3 was brilliant because after B×Ra8, Black was supposed to play Qf6, threatening Q×Bf2 followed by Qc2+ Ke1 Q×Nb1+, or if f2 Bishop moves then Qf1+ Kg2 Q×Nb1. Taking the Bishop with Q×Ba8 was a mistake compared to immediately attacking the King.
Good content. ❤
I'm convinced that the Brilliancies and individual move assessments are relative to the 2 player's Elo in some way. A brilliant move for an 800 is probably an expected move of an 1'800, who will get 👍 for it in the same position
I'm also convinced that the post-match Game rating is also relative to the strength and accuracy of your opponent. If you had an easy AF game, because your opponent blundered all the time, you'll probably find your match rating to not be that impressive, even if none of your moves were inaccuracies or mistakes. You're sort of "expected" to convert if your opponent, say, hangs a Queen.
But play a mostly equal game until you can find a small advantage and convert, and you'll likely see a significant, better rating.
I may be wrong, but it sure seems this way!
7:23 bro my opponents legit play better and I'm rated half these 6 bundles ratings
that 600 game was more like a 6 elo game
22:16 the pawn gives his trapped knight a safe square to escape to maybe?
16:27 I guarantee that White saw B×d7+ K×Bd7 Qc7+ Ke8 Qe7# because they didn't notice the Knight on g8 guarding the e7 square until after they sacrificed the Bishop.
The worst brilliant move I've seen was in a position where black is up a knight but down 3 or 4 pawns so sacks the knight and a rook to give perpetual checks and draw instead of a +0.24 advantage for white, obviously computer prefers a draw (0.00) to playing a game with 0.24 "advantage" for the opponent
I really liked the jokes and the commentary in todays video, thanks for the good time❤
I love watching your video while I eat my burrito
Final one let’s knight run away which is totally big brain
13:57 i disagree with you levy this was a brilliant move because it was the only move that turns off the opponents brain
This was a very good video. Lmaoo
me when levy long hair
me when levy short hair
"Hey babe, take a photo of me making a constipated face while pointing at nothing for my thumbnail"
You would've thrown up if you would've seen how I lost all my. Pieces to a king yesterday 😢
I had a brilliant on a Queen sac but thanks for the support Levi
7:58 I just had to laugh after he said that so casually haha thanks levy for the gread video!
המשחק הראשון של ישראלייי
this video was freakin' hilarious, thanks for shedding light on this haha