Why I Built The World’s Largest Game Of Chess In Minecraft Hardcore

Why I Built The World’s Largest Game Of Chess In Minecraft Hardcore

This is the 3rd episode of my 1.19 Hardcore Minecraft lets play series! In this episode I built the WORLD’S LARGEST GAME OF CHESS all in Hardcore Minecraft.

Watch The Last Episode: (How I one Shot The Ender Dragon)

Concrete Duper:
Honey Farm:
Piglin Bartering Farm:
Gold Farm:
Shulker Box Farm:

Most of the music used is licensed by Epidemic Sounds

This series is inspired mainly by Wadzee and aCookieGod.

👍Thank you so much for watching the video! I hope you have a fantastic day👍

%1$ Comments436

    "And I suck at it"
    Also is 1100
    Which is like good rating


    this is so fake, your replay file got corrupted, sure buddy, you so are cheating like this is all sped up footage because you were watching a tutorial, and there to many "coincidences" for this to be real. you do not deserve your 6.59k subscribers.

    Part 4 plsssssssss i like your vids plssss part 4 in the part 4 you should build yourself a hone

    Bro literary making a farm for everything😂

    Mello deserves much more subscribes for all of the hard work

    How are you saying your bad when your at around 1000 elo

    Lost keyboard lost hands but a single smile 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    How the hell are u going to the end again😂😂

    Bro is the laziest and most hard working man of all time

    is a good game and I play it

    Just a suggestion but you should swap the gold on the black king and queen for diamond

    You also have to build the coordinates of the chess board

    I love chess!!!!!!it’s soooooooooooooooooo goooooooooood but l am not really good.😊😢😊

    kings aren’t useless. they castle letting the rook out.

    I didn’t know this was your 3rd video subscribed before you blow up!

    Ble vil vin i bet yu 100$ IT blec vins🤞

    As a semi decent chess player , I fully approve, now all that's left to do is to play on it.

    I did something similar recently(but in creative) and then me and my friend used command blocks to make it actually work.
    I challenge you to 1 game on the working Minecraft chessboard!

    "Which would take too long to do manually"
    creates an overpowered massive farm

    you are such a hardworking youtuber , making farms for every item u need to build a project

    Yeah no this guy definitely cheated for the materials and building

    Mello always uploads the best of the best videos but he is super underrated. You should subscribe to him, it's 100% worth it.

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