Why is Magnus Carlsen so good?

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%1$ Comments377

    We all know that no matter what Magnus is goat he’s a chess god this man’s head is processing every way possible to win just from the fist move ❤❤

    I remember my first chess game, double jumping each piece forking both kings, you know how it goes

    Levy you’re the best keep making awesome content i believe in you

    Brottha he ain't even born in 1951 unless he like 72

    Chess is just a complicated version of tic tac toe if you put two super AI that some how knows every possible moves the end results will always be a draw

    High iq that’s why Magnus is 190

    Lol. Magnus is just a useless player who cheats to win matches. 😂😂😂 Garry is better.

    Good response for people not acquainted wiþ chess, incomplete for medium term members of ðe community

    There’s no such thing as a perfect loo- 😮😂

    Obviously Magnus is like a woman who remembers EVERYTHING. Even the MISTAKES THAT HAPPENED FOREVER AGO 😂

    “I defeated Magnus Carlson.” -Levy on the 1st of April.

    Magnus remembers Levy games better than him.

    magnus forgetting match like messi forgetting football matches isnt it??

    You're gay so now I don't really watch your cool videos.

    Magnus can remember thousands of games in his head, but forgot how to change his stream title…

    He good in IQ/counter attack and defend/see danger attack/calculate math mode

    He's also a frcking endgame beast

    Am I the only one who read this like that villian in john wick 1? "a fockin game next to him"

    Judit polgar : n I win at him in less than 20 moves

    He won so many tournaments until he got bored of chess..yeah I understand that.

    So basically he says: He is so good, because when a top ten player plays against him the chance of a victory doubles. Brilliant argumentation, wow

    why 99 percent modern young people so morron? tha a correct question

    stupid question and stupid answer perfect much of 2 losers

    It's certainly not analytical skill.
    The engines ruined chess long ago.

    starts jacking him off he's just soooo goooood oh yeah, who's a good boy, who's a good boy

    Wasn't there a stream where Levy asked his viewers to post movements from random games he played in the past and he remembered every one?

    Magnus watching this video and trying to remember the previous game he played but forgot about it 😂😂

    Never thought memory could be a plus point in such vast game like Chess….

    The real definition of People said "Skill Issue"

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