Why is Magnus Carlsen so good?

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%1$ Comments377

    There was no bars in Soviet Union in 1951 lmao

    Magnus "mania" is the creation of paps, fans and Levy Rozman

    But Kasparov too got replaced by Kramnik , everyone's got an era and that era of single-handed dominance will end with a spectacular display of talent.

    So don't consider Magnus to be God of Chess.

    people say kasparov is better bc he held the title for so long but magnus is top inna way harder era and he just sees the game differently. i mean we seen kid magnus play kasparov imagine now.


    This video is only a week old and it’s a hit

    My man Levy just beat magnus last night, magnus played the botez gambit with his king!

    My favourite part was when said “Its Magnusing time” and Magnused all over the place

    My face when I made an embarrassing blunder in my game in some bar in 1951 in the soviet union and hoped nobody would remember: 😳

    Meanwhile, bartender in soviet bar in 1951:
    – what is this time? Whiskey or 3 years in GULAG

    Guys Please! What is the song playing in the background??

    Magnus when the enemy moves once:

    Alr checkmate in 37

    You put 10,000 hours into something you’ll master it. Magnus has put way more than that in though

    What about a game played with your friends at the library in the Soviet Union?



    It is memory yes but it’s also his ability that he gained when he was younger and that is the ability to flip on and off that switch

    Bars in Soviet Union were prohibited. Maybe a potato peeling gathering

    The biggest Magnus Fanboy in the whole universe.

    "They would draw the game" meaning chance of victory = 0. Magnus has double the chance. Still 0.

    This is the exact moment when Levi became Heisenberg

    Translation: im way better than you, and magnus is way better than me. So yeah hes really good

    In other words, he's a part of the soviet union….

    Magnus Carlsen is the doom slayer of chess players

    Bro you can't convince me anybody even Magnus can remember every game he ever played.

    This shirt is about to cause me a ceizure

    i hate u gotham chess lolololololololololololol


    Magnus- Remembering a game from some bar in the Soviet union from 1951
    Me-"What did I have for dinner last night???"

    Wait, you got interviewed by Lex? Why have I not heard about this yet?

    Right! Memory in a time of computer chess theory???? Hello chess is DEAD

    What the name of the background song?

    Homie remembered the game in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. Like fuck off lol.

    Can I randomly get a pin I’m bored on yt

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