Why is Magnus Carlsen so good?

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%1$ Comments377

    "You can't remember a chess game in 1951"
    Because I wasn't born in 1951 🌚

    he is intelligent, and into chess. I am sure if he do other things instead of chess, he will be as good.

    There is only one person who can defeat Magnus…

    Drunk Magnus

    Good for him, I hope he makes it to IM

    Why do you think he’s so good?
    Because he sacrifices THE ROOOOOOOOK

    What I find amazing is how you guys constantly play chess. After 2 to 3 games my brain is too tired.
    And Magnus has played chess constantly for over 20 years

    Magnus remembers that game in 1951 that his Grandfather played.

    Bro… Levy is like ishowspeed and magnus like a ronaldo speed never met real ronaldo😂

    Levy: “You can’t remember a game from 1951”

    Magnus: “You are false”

    I truly wonder who would win between Magnus Prime and Kasparov Prime

    Magnus Carlsen is the one who remembers what she said

    It's Autism, bro. Magnus has a photographic memory of every game he's ever played and he learned by playing against Microsoft Chess Titans set to level 10.

    Bobby Fischer was so ahead of his time when he predicted that the future of chess was memorization.

    Its like Maurice Ashley said once upon a time "noone grinds like Magnus" wonder if the Botez sisters agree? ❤

    Magnus is a savant and in the functional either Aspergers/autism spectrum. Look up Kim Peek. He remembered everything he read. He could tell you what day of the week any date was on. I don't know the level of savant magnus is on. It could be that it only applies to chess. The fact that he can remember every game, is unreal. I'm actually wondering if it gives him an unfair advantage, muchike steroids in baseball give the player an "unfair" advantage. (If you ask me, than the players NOT taking steroids shouldn't complain of the unfair advantage. Everone involved with sports knows the risk of steroids. No one has to suffer the consequences of their choice to take them but them.) that said, I'm glad steroids are banned, I'm just trying to say that maybe Magnus Carlson's memory gives him an "unfair" advantage.

    test this guy on a genetic level. aminoprofile, hormones everything. what is it that makes him so good?

    having the sets of tools to be the number 1 cant osmosis its ways by simping my dude, sorry

    its the mushrooms. like how the berserks used it to power up before a fight.

    Yes, in soviet bars they play chess instead of drink vodka

    I think it’s the passion and , killer instinct to crush your opponent makes you naturally remember those games .

    Facts Period his memory is just off the charts.who do you know that can remember every town state and country in the world wth I don't know how he loses tbh

    I will be world champion one day, I can't wait to shake his hand

    It's not memory. It's his ability to problem solve.

    Magnus remembers some match he played in a bar in Soviet Union back in 1951 ?

    Fischer remembered every game as well. Soviet games that the Soviets forgot.

    Learning this game as a kid makes you a natural gm in the future (like me)i'm joking but not. Sorry for my ego boys.

    Magnus 1st words at birth:Hello Ma, Pa, World, Chack mate !

    Nobody knew it was a campaign game until Magnus beat chess.

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