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#Botez #Shorts #Chess
This is why botez is the goat
Yo, first time being first comment. Let's go
Just shows how good you must be to play bullet, it takes me 5 minutes to just work out daily challenges 🤣
Ааах, какая красивая шахматистка, матерясь играя, демонстрирует высокий уровень игры в шахматах! 😘
Love the drum n bass
Imho bullet is not chess
I played bullet once. Got in a pickle. Just randomly moved pieces. Lost almost all my pieces. I won
You look like robin, from how i met your mother
She said never give up but i heard never n
Gonna give you up
damn could've been avoided if he took the pawn
Each time I see her on yt shorts I think she's gonna mess up and scream
Это дебилизм
Just not getting it , can anyone plse help ?
How can a king move 2 square diagonally in one move ? And how can a own white king eat his own white Queen?
Plse guide
cuz bullet is relied on reflexes and not thinking
Love that smile❤
Time attack hahaha
Alexandra, premoving be like: oh yes.
Le Hikaru: Oh yes yes yes yes oh yeah yes yes yeah yeah oh yeah yes yes …There pops up _you win by resignation _
ngl i think id kill myself if i lost despite being 15 points of material more then my opponent
Bro really feel for the botez gambit accepted 🤦♂️
Boreal gambit moment
kk seçim süreci
Am I the only one who feels they have to watch in slow motion to understand what's going on?
Dosnt even look like the same person without a ton of make-up
I can bet the queen is missing bcuz of the Legendary Botez Gambit 😂
She is so smart and beatiful
Ok but what is that banger track pls ?
He was doing so good, then a pawn single handedly ate his queen, he hung his rook not realising his queen became food for the pawn. Then said pawn promoted.
Wow that final Botez Gambit tho… Could've crashed and burned so much, but in the end it didn't fail because of the time. 😴
Botez gambit exist
A little loving and some fruit to bake,Life is a piece of cake.
Girl called me bad in 19 languages
She was down 15 pts of material 😮 Nice win Alex.
You mean " it's bullet you can play complete shit chess and still win "
I hate people with 2000 elo. I never could reach that.
This is why quick chess is bad chess
You are queen..what a mentality
How did blk lose its queen? Ridiculous😂
Awful advice. Resigning is very important to the honor of players.
Hws she playing with Dead king ?
Bullit is pointless, and she just perfectly illustrated why!
Good song choice🤘🤘
you material wife never give it up
Absolutely beauty with brain.😊
Damn you are fast!