WORLD CHESS CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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%1$ Comments419

    It's really great of those people to pick an important day to crown the world chest champion. Happy birthday to you Grandma. I know she's super proud of her grandson.

    Hey, thank you, it is actually my birthday. Same to your Gma

    it's also my birthday, i know you meant to say birthday to your grandma, but ill thank you for saying happy birthday also to me, love your channel levy!

    Happy birthday Levy’s grandma!!!!! 🎉🎉❤❤🎉❤❤

    2:37 Fun fact: the bishop in french translated "fou" which means crazy or idiot

    I'm glad you're calling your grandmother, just don't overestimate her interest in the granddog 😂

    All you englund gambit players. Me as proud 1k elo player, can confirm.

    “You would lose this position with black.. and white probably” I feel like he was speaking directly to me 😂

    His piercing blue eyes are akin to being immersed in the depths of the bluest oceans, an expression quintessential in magnifying my love for chess even further. Truly, his gaze is a wondrous sight to behold.

    I got really sad and then I watched this and it got my mind off it and I’m feeling better. Thanks Levy

    I watched parts of the games and almost the entirety of the 12th game. Ju Wenju showed here experience, I think the imbalanced position with passed pawns threw Lei Tingjei off her prep at such a high stakes game, she spent a lot of time on her moves. Overall a tough matchup, hopefully Lei comes back stronger and congrats to ju wenju.

    Two days later, and you'd be wishing me a happy birthday on the right day😂

    Congratulations to Ju Wenjun, 4 times Women World Champion ! Lei Tingjie went the distance but lost in the final hurdle with Ju springing a surprise opening which caught Lei off guard.

    I was also in New York today and can confirm it was VERY hot

    If you listen closely, you’ll notice Gotham is covering the world championship and not his grandma’s birthday

    For anyone wondering, Levy is not saying we're not stupid.

    Happy birthday Levy's grandma! ❤️

    But why does it needs the middle master? Because it must. But…but whyyy? Ohh I seee! Because it must!

    Really exciting final game, thanks for covering this match!

    Endgame was Magnus style. And the whole party. A surprise at the beginning. An imbalance in the continuation of the chess game and finally a brilliant endgame.😎

    Happy Birthday to Levy's Granma!
    2:37 "Trap your idiot" killed me on the spot 🤣🤣🤣

    Check out the link in my description to earn big for taking surveys!

    LOL it actually happens to be my birthday, cheers levy

    That was a glorious example of high level chess, brilliant game!

    There is no way Levi reads this and wishes me happy birthday on 4th of August.
    Thanks for the amazing content as always! And happy birthday to your amazing grandma!!

    happy birthday to your grannyy

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