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%1$ Comments214

    The inconsistency FIDE has applying the rules evenly and fairly is a real deterrent for those of us who would like to play chess at tournaments. FIDE makes some of us think that the hassle isn't worth it.

    The shoes thing just feels like sexism tbh

    It's amazing how badly fide wants to kill chess with their outdated fucking bullshit they don't want to modernize anything and they make everything difficult they're so bad

    As a Trinidadian we eat Roti with Curry

    rook is literally in her name… how are you going to compete with this individual😂😂

    The only dresscode I will ever defend in any context where clothes won't give you an advantage is "whole and clean".

    "€100 Euro"? A hundred euro euros? Is that, like, square euros? What are the properties of a two-dimensional currency?

    Thank you for covering the dress code story and for supporting Anna-Maya.

    Roman is 13 years old, still impressive tho

    Me only clicking on this video to say that the Euro sign should be behind the 100

    Levy, we eat roti with bhaji (basically veggies with masala) and sometimes non-veg like Butter Chicken. Hope this clears it up 🙂

    In response to the fine could she tell them to shove it?

    I mean honestly what could they do if she told them that?

    Oh cant play at tournaments? Big fucking deal, she probably makes more money doing twitch or YouTube videos.

    Also what would FIDE do if a chess player who makes the Final round of the most important chess tournament of the year and shows up looking like a bum?

    Like imagine if Ding or Ian showed up looking like they belonged in a Grunge Music Video….

    These chess tournaments are run by totally out of touch pedants it would seem

    2:00 when a chess tournament has a stricter dress code then the United States Senate

    Roti sabzi or roti daal you can say. Thank me in my reply section 🤣

    This video was vintage Levy. I'm not sure why, but this brought me back to his style from a few years ago.

    Don't just rescind the fine. Sack whoever issued it and issue an apology. Its 2023, we shouldnt be policing womens clothes while letting the dudes slob out.

    I for one, think the dress codes are not strict enough. Ban dress sneakers in totality and ban t-shirts

    Levy IM Muhiddin Madaminov from Uzbekistan vs GM Surya Ganguly from Indida ended in just 8 moves , Muhiddin won it check this one , it's the funniest game this championship had

    I love that at 2:00 Levy stood up to clarify what "a full dress" is. 🙂 FIDE owes Anna-Maja a big apology for this BS, but I won't hold my breath. More and more I get the impression they're run by a bunch of putzes. In solidarity I think every player should show up tomorrow in violation of the dress code.

    Womans chess is as interesting as mens chess but for some reason i just dont care when women play idk why

    Does anyone know why female chess players are significantly lower rated than the male chess players? Is there an actual difference in strength or is there not enough opportunities for females to gain rating?

    Can we appreciate how One of the woman players are named Anastasia (JUST LIKE THE ANASTASIA MATE)😅

    I wish we could get a torch vs mittens video lol

    The shoe fine is a perfect example of someone who's been given an ounce of power over others and then feels the need to use it to the absolute fullest. Absolutely absurd, and I really hope it's rescinded!

    Rhoti is just bread. What do you eat bread with? Eat it with that. My gf is punjabi, I asked the same thing when we started dating

    levy we sat roti and bhaji i.e cooked vegetable

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