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%1$ Comments508

    Clickbait bull crap. Here to just kill your watch percentage.

    I think chess rules need fo be reevaluated 💀this is too chaotic

    If all GMs disagree on this issue they should solve it the only way logical: chessboxing bo1 single elimination tour

    The solution to all this might be, to start the candidates already. And if Alireza is fixing his way in, maybe invite two more players. But the 'top ten' part aside, how many get invited for the candidates matches?

    If the rules suck and can be played like checkers you should change them

    Be like Fabi.. win six ways to Candidates EZ

    Fun fact: Alireza drew his last game in the tournament tho

    Triple round robin for those 3 players who are vying for the last two spots. Let GMs Firouzja, So, Giri battle it out in a closed tournament. All three of them in a closed tourn let them slug it out to show who is deserving for the spot.

    magnus reply-tweeting himself going "everyone would lose to me anyway so it doesn't matter" is SO good 😂

    Question because I genuinely don't know the logistic of this. How hard would it be in theory to create online tournaments that quality for points so that people aren't geography gated? If the concern is cheating, can you require in person attendance at some local place with official arbiter?

    Alireza clowned it in is own tournament 😂😂😂 He drew the last round and is now lower rated than Wesley

    Actually, the America's Cup / Louis Vuitton cup format on sailing are (or used to be) quite similar to this format. Which is prone to all kind of abuse…

    I get why people could be upset at Alireza, but honestly I think that it’s a really effective way to cause a change in rules that clearly make no sense by pointing out how badly they can be abused

    The thing is does anyone really care about the world championship let alone the candidates so long as the number 1 rated player is abandoning it? Not me… Until this changes. Rapid and Blitz world championship is actually more important since it's not abandoned by Magnus 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Honestly i knew about the Chennai grand masters for quite a while, was been in talks with the organizers but what alireza is doing is…..
    At the end what can we do now..? Nothing iguess it's all within the rules…❤

    You didn't show the alireza games. They're super suspect as well as the fact the whole tournament is for him to win. One of the games a player resigned and it was a perfectly even game. It's very "interesting."

    honestly I'd say removing someone for their political beliefs is the most F'ed up, but you can't blame Alireza for trying

    My track coach said while he was in high school he missed a Jr Worlds qualifying time by like 2 seconds for the 2mile, so they made a meet with another school so he could qualify and basically called it “get Chad to Jr Worlds meet” 😂

    Who at FIDE will decide whether Alireza's event counts?

    I reported all this on my channel much before , but it's not that big so haven't got many views 😅

    In my opinion The rules didn't change until now because the players didn't try this cheesy stuff I think we will see a big changes

    When I saw the result from the Chennai Chess tournament my first thought was regarding the 1962 candidates and the USSR players playing as a "team".

    Levy: "I don't want to insult your intelligence"

    Also Levy: Insults our chess skills twice a week

    22:32 In this meme i think we all agree that magnus should be the bartender (or the waiter) sitting there in the table with i dont give fu** smile 😂

    After all this drama what if magnus suddenly wants to play candidates!!! LOL, that would be fun to watch.

    I want Alireza and Wesley both to qualify

    Gotham (a chess youtuber) never fails to excludes chess gameplay from his videos

    What, is there a shortage of players wanting to enter the candidate tournament? No.

    That's why Magnus decide to not play in such as wierd tournament again.

    Imagine Magnus last minute just decides to rollup to the candidates, wins, then doesn't play the championship, after that refuses to elaborate.

    Firouzja draw at the tournament? So it backfired?

    December 29th: "The way of Levi to the Candidates' Tournament".
    200 rated games between GothamChess and Agadmator.
    As a true friend, Antonio may lose in 200 experimental variations of the Evans gambit.
    And FIDE will be in shock…

    As an Indian. Both Chennai grand masters and alireza race for Candidates were against the spirit.
    Levy say it as it is. Indians support sport ,don't be afraid that we might stop giving views.

    I was missing a comment on the fact that Shckekachev resigned a position rated 0.00 by Stockfisch against Alireza Firouzja.

    It is pretty sketchy that the rules allow mini-tournaments to be set up for the sole purpose of boosting one player's scoring. Like, what's to say the other guys playing haven't agreed to intentionally lose against Firouza? And even if they weren't, the fact they're significantly lower rated makes it kinda of a slam-dunk anyways.

    That meme was hilarious!! Where 3 of them are trying to stop Wesley So and Fabi is just chilling! 🤣

    With so much on the line for the players, it is actually incredible that what Alireza is doing was not already standard procedure amongst top players during every december? How can the rules be set up so poorly from FIDE? Blows my mind!

    To me there's three things that should change. 1. FIDE should stop trying to make shit up on the fly. 2. FIDE should set a rule for the NEXT cycle that only events announced publicly at least 6 months before the cutoff date count towards the rating point calculations for qualifying, though other tournaments cam still count for the normal rating lists. 3. Rapid and blitz shouldn't count for qualifying for the classical championship.

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