0.1 seconds. He won.

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%1$ Comments515

    When I was watching this , the video had 69k views and likes.

    as someone still new to the game of chess im thankful mr gotham for reviews like this for I am only 1000. also, my english isnt the best but you do so well with analogies and explaning the game in general so ty <3

    Not enough people talking about how good these 1000s played

    One of the few 1000 elo games that Levy doesn't get mad at

    This video taught me so many things and it was exciting thank you Levy and today happened to be the day I hit 1000 elo

    This is one of your most instructive and exciting videos in this series, loved it

    Brother, please, an educational video about pawn plays at an intermediate level

    Jesus loves y’all please repent and pray for my friend in surgery

    i swear if this man was a teacher i would be elon musk 🙏

    I wanted to be the first person to be featured in a Gotham Chess video from Nigeria 😭

    When clock is low, your elo lowers, but not for this guy

    I had similar thing my opponent played in last .1 sec and lost on time cuz I was sure he'll lose on time and didn't premove

    Gotham is really good at analyzing games for us, I honestly wish teachers would be like this, he got me to play chess and i overally enjoy it very very much(unlike most ppl i know) so thank you for everything, G'day mate.

    Bro this type of content is so funny and so helpful at the same time! Keep them coming! Ps this game is epic

    That game was a Jackson Pollock. There's a certain type beauty that can only be unearthed from chaos.

    Today's stare was a somber, emotional piece that expressed more feeling than could ever be spoken with words.

    He made a .01 second game into a 20 minute video. That is the only thing I don't like about him, but all respect to him.

    London system🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    I like how levy alwyas makes sports references to convince us he's cool

    Bro decided to use all the time he was given💀💀💀

    Wow. Never give up 😂😂😂😂

    As a 1000-rated player, I thought it was one of my games.

    I was playing a 5 min today and my opponent won by time by 0.2 s😭

    Still can't top 0.01 seconds stalemate by Rosen.

    I thought the entire game lasted 0.1s start to finish, which is only possible one way (ususlly).

    "0.1 seconds, He Won" current title, what will be his next yt title

    please make more like those, when you see a 1000-1500 players game its much fun!

    Since I started watching your videos, I went from 800 to 1200 rating. Thank you, and keep up the good work !!

    its absolutely pathetic LOL

    Love your vids Gotham, but periods and Youtube algorithm don't pair well, use CAPS instead to make a captivating title.

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