0.1 seconds. He won.

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%1$ Comments515

    Yeah, endgames pike this we give a check and then opponent will take sometime to get out of check. Obinna had a trick but it didnt work the well.

    Now this is a good 1100 rated game. Finally levy showed that 1100s know how to win at chess to some degree at not blunder at move 3

    Levy is out of ideas of content
    No more skyrocket of subs for u, gotham

    No pin of shame today? shame on you 😘😘

    So many valuable lessons and so entertaining!

    A million dollars advise:
    "The chess board does not care about your feelings"
    _______gotham chess

    Why the fuck has none of my comments ever received more than 2 likes..?

    i am rated around 1000 so this is very helpful for me

    the first american that knows his flags xdd

    How can I apply for an honorary Grandmaster title? I am also 1000 elo

    Im so tired of seeing london opening every fucking single video.

    This is nothing against the time Eric Rosen got stalemated with .01 seconds on the clock.

    Yet when I finish with 0.1 seconds my partner calls me a "disappointment"… Double standards smh

    At the position in 10:22, why doesn't Qc3 work, because the queen can't be attacked, and then on the next move, Bxa5 will win a pawn and defend the queen?

    I've fallen in love with the "now get out of here" I just love it

    Completly unrelated but I just reached 1500 and I'm really happy!

    I had a game the other day where we both got down to pawns and queens. I ran my king with no time up to his king while the computer hated it because he was taking my pawns and once I got by his king he gave me a check with his queen. I think for some reason he thought I had to move my king and he would take me queen but no. He checkmated himself with 1 second left on my clock. Lol.

    My rating is 1080 rapid I can’t tell you how many things I related to in this video

    I liked the other name wich we could choose in the server more

    I want to thank you. It's because of you that I really started playing chess and I've improved a lot. Your videos are really useful for newbies as well as better players.

    The most disturbing part of this video was when he called soccer football

    14:45 wow. Why moving the pawn is it's already checkmate? Rc8 with Ne8 -> Rxe8# follow up…

    Lessons learned:
    1. Moving a piece back isn't the best move most of the time.
    2. Whenever a a or h pawn is pushed, the best move is to move the side pawn and not take it.

    Very instructive and fun game, thank you.

    Who else is excited about Norway Chess coming up? Magnus is gonna slay

    I’ve lost on time after pre moving mate in 1 cause the server didn’t get the move quick enough😔😔😔

    Nice, I just skipped to the end of the game cause I didn't really want to see a couple 1000 elo guys playing but yeah I've won games like that as well

    I wish he could review my first blitz game

    Levy knows he isn’t going to be gm so he shows other gms playing rather than getting the title like a man

    When you almost got a heart attack because you recently lost a completely winning endgame with mate on next move because your foe had 0.1 seconds more.

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