100% Accuracy. 3100 Elo.
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There are trends in fencing.
Gotham is such a talented host.
Really appreciate your work
speaking of rugby, drop goals are back in fashion.
I know exactly how levon felt during this game
Im edging
Of course every "space" follows some trends for a while, until the next trend comes along.
For example football, before De Zerbi (current Brighton manager) joined Sassuolo you would never see defenders waiting for the pressure of the opposition with their studs above the football, nowadays you'll watch any U12 match in my country an at least one teams is doing it.
21:20 Levy always fails to watch Ken Burns' Baseball.
Levy, with regards to your comment about trends being adopted by other teams in sport, as you well know ever since the 2014-15 Golden State Warriors team (Curry, Thompson, Green, Iguodala and all them boys), the idea of playing small-ball and really stretching the court has seen wide spread and good success in the NBA for nearly a decade. It's only in the past few years (ever since the Bucks – Giannis championship) that the dominance of the Big has returned to the League (finally).
I never comment but this is an insane game i am baffeled
6:46 White’s position looks like a Vienna without f4 and down a tempo or two. I think it has merit. The funny thing, though, is that some games in the Vienna do need to shift from a c2-d3-e4 structure to a c3-d4-e5 structure in the middle of the game.
Rico904tattman – my user name on all sites – I’m an o.g fan with four kids – would love it if you analyzed my game against fm canty – [Black "Canty"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/
RNBQKBNR w KQkq – 0 1"]
[WhiteElo "935"]
[BlackElo "2300"]
[Termination "Rico904tattman wins by
1.h4 d5 2.d4 Qd6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.e3 e5 5.Bb5 e4
6.Nh2 a6 7.Be2 Be7 8.g3 Bh3 9.Bg4 Bxg4
10.Nxg4 f5 11.Nh2 0-0-0 12.a3 h6 13.Nc3 Nf6
14.Bd2 g5 15.h5 g4 16. Na4 Qd7 17.Bb4 Bxb4+
18.axb4 Nxb4 19.Qd2 Nc6 20.Nc5 Qd6 21.Qc3
Nxh5 22.Nf1 Ng7 23.Nd2 Ne6 24.Ndb3 Ng5
25.Nd2 Rhe8 26.Ke2 Nh3 27.Rhb1 h5 28.b4
Nb8 29.b5 axb5 30.Rxb5 b6 31.Ra8 Qc6
32 Qa5 Qxc5 33.dxc5 bxa5 34.c6 Ng1+ 35.Kf1
Rh8 36.Rbxb8# {1-0}
6:39 In Rocket League (aka car soccer) kickoff strategies are sort of the equivalent to openings in chess, and new strategies definitely fall into and out of fashion similar to chess.
I really like the Spanish Main line. Normally my opponent over extends which gives me an advantage. Then I blunder my queen and lose😢
Football has seen a recent surge of QB Sneaks… with a new development of putting players behind the quarterback in order to push him forward over the line of scrimmage
"Arguably the best modern performance of all time". Levy never fails to say paradoxical statements
in Judo all the invented moves get "trendy".. everybody lerns the new interesting moves out there. For example, the korean seoi-nage, Gerbi choke, Lombardo kata-guruma and so on
LOVE these deep dive analyses Levy! Keep them coming!
Very nice! Fabiano alphazero'd the knight, saving a crucial tempo over recapturing.
Since it would take several moves to return to any effective position, the knight is essentially dead anyway!
Day 36 asking for a scotch course
The Fosbury Flop became trendy in the High Jump
6:54 it does in football ⚽️ tactics dose get old and popular
FFS man, chess is NOT a sport. It is a game of intelligence. Not physical prowess.
In football there is a play called the “Tush Push” which is very trendy recently. Because you can almost always get 1 yard if needed.
What's Fabi's accuracy in this game?
Id say it happens in football i dont mean the one you play with your hands.
When I saw that you are analysing a game you've already covered, I was a little disapointed, but you really delivered on giving us a better understanding of why this game is important and how well played it actually is. Maybe it could be a cool idea to revisit some other games that didn't get their own dedicated video, while wrapping them in an interesting narative regarding the circumstances around them.
i thought you already made this video. its a banger tho so i dont blame you
I think Kramnik would find this interesting
You always make me laugh. Ich werde Dir helfen bei deinen Ausspruchsschwierigkeiten: Tsvishentsuk
As I look in wonder at the position I just see Levi’s dog mindlessly staring at the door
I've been stuck in 600 elo for 5 months, I always think ppl are cheating 😂
Oil up Levy. Randy is here
Fabi got the auto aim hacks on chess
Wildcat formation was trendy in NFL . They don't run nearly as much.
I forget who it was but I remember a professional League of Legends player saying the best compliment he received was being called a scripter by the enemy team when he wasn't scripting.
There are some who think Chess is a boring game… but then they've never listened to Levy give a play by play.
America's top players are Japanese, Italian and Chinese.
motion in football is super trendy right now. Mike McDaniel created a renaissance in pre-snap motion. Also I haven't watched much soccer this year but I know for the past couple of years a back 5 or 3 with very attacking wingbacks was super popular
Soccer formations get trendy and in the nfl play calls and styles get popular like the spread option and stuff baseball shift alignments
there is a meta in every games and sports, it's natural because human are beasts at copying and creating based on what they saw from other
Since you're just now getting into the NFL (per your tweets), I advise you to look at the 46 defense from the 80s and the wildcat offense from the late 2000s. Not seen much anymore, but when they were made popular by the Bears and the Dolphins respectively, they were absolutely "trendy."
I expected at least one picture with Fabiano as the titan, funny joke that didn't happen =(
Overmatch goat meta
Hey Levy! Could you make a video explaining accuracy? I mostly understand it but it’s still kind of a nebulous concept lol
I know it’s not real sports but most competitive games develop meta’s overtime
Intentions they found a brand new way of touching the controller, called rolling, and then everybody picked it up
hi levy, just a minor nerd detail, in the main line you are supposed to play 8.c3 and 9. h3
You see top trends of elite tournament poker players, the trend evolves year by year.
This was an amazing analysis!