100% Win Rate Chess Opening!


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%1$ Comments113

    Never mind guys… I played this and lost 15 games. So everything is equal now.

    LOVE these kind of educational chess video! I'd love to see more of this than games recap.

    Please make a long form video on evans gambit

    Please make a long form video on evans gambit

    levy:i perfected this opening.
    stockfish on the first move: No.

    Amazing video on an under rated opening. You may consider screen sharing some of the free content on chessly so the viewers actually appreciate the quality( I own the e4 course and check out most of the free stuff but just something which may benefit the others). The C6 square misses you.

    Bro actually made this video after i crossed 1800 and got to 1900 for upto 1800 damn what a savage way to start the video😢

    Now I can prob get great on opening but I still need to work on my endgames my middle games r fine

    Gotham please Name it either the Arkham variation or the Nightfall Variation plsssss

    I use the Scandinavian for two reasons: my school mascot is the Norseman, and because it helps me create a Bongcloud with black

    Levy never fails to change my life

    thank you for the repertoire man, if you like i could share my game that has a review of 96.3 accuracy because of your teaching really clean, im 1700 so do not expect a lot tho😅

    Levy: 2:25 Odds of getting Nc3 is like 80%
    Proud owner of gotham e4 course: plays Nf3

    "Gotham's Candy" now, get out of here

    We need more opening course like this levy. We love u❤

    100% win rate? Levy doesn’t know me 😅

    Bro is still in the Prison, what has Bro done😢

    Rather than playing against people of a certain rating range like as if you were both similarly rated players, it would be much better if you could play against people of all rating ranges like an International Master that you are. Explaining how your thought process is in each move would be the best thing to do. This is solely my opinion as an 800 elo who started as a 100 elo 5 months ago and is still trying to improve

    Gotham never fails to make conservative statements.

    ahhhh skandinavian…
    first i start dutch opening, but dont get good at the opening
    coming back to this opening…
    i make notes… see what gotham do…

    Hello dear Gotham chess can you play master level bot please❤❤❤

    I played this variant recently, white resigned, then they msg me, and accused me of cheating after Qa5. Wow, some people huh?

    5. Bd2 Bg4 is simply met with f3, gaining a tempo on the LSB. If black plays the best retreating move, 6…Bd7 and mindlessly still plays e6 to carry out the same plan, after white plays the very natural 7.Bc4, then, 8. Nd5 forces black to either give the queen up for 2 minors, or save the queen with 8…Qa4 and allow the d5 knight to fork the king and rook. Black has to know to retreat the queen to b6 preemptively, burning another tempo, which white can use for development. Nge2 + Be3 gives white an extremely solid setup with better placed and more active pieces and the ability to castle earlier than black.

    Seems to me that Bd2 and f3 shuts the whole line down. Am I missing something?

    I saw you and your lady on a Kitchen Nightmares episode. Where you there by accident, or did you know in advance Gordon would be there?

    And you're a "Food Blogger" now? 🙂

    do you plan to make a chessable course on it?

    what if he pushed pawn to e6 instead of taking the d pawn

    I already am a Scandinavian lover, but didn’t put time in it appreciate you for this awesome video Levy

    Bro can ya tint the rain background (colour of ur choice) some times it’s hard to see black pieces below name, help our nearsighted friends here, nice vid doe….

    Levy you are an absolute legend for pinning haters' comments

    You don't cover one of White's strongest lines with 0-0-0 after Nc3, Bc4, d3, Bd2, Qe2

    yea this shit doesn’t work i actually played against a guy that watched ur video (He told me in chat) and he tried the Scandinavian and i destroyed him 😭😭😭

    Not the most venomous opening, but a very lethal one, especially in the higher levels. Be careful of the tennison though

    When moba player try to introduce new meta

    I've been playing this with black for a while, whitout even knowing it was a opening, lol

    gotham please teach us how to learn blindfold chess please

    Why don't you join some tours and gain some points, ben just said your never gonna be grand master, prove him wrong

    Day 3 of being held hostage by Magnus Carlsen in Levy's videos

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