100% Win Rate Chess Opening!
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time to change that
Nooooooo this is one of my opening repertoire you shouldn't share it!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭
Day 2 of asking for guess the elo
I get nothing but the Scandinavian when I play white now. Thanks Levy!
i took the free part of the course last week and i havnt been winning EVERY game, but it has been really fun to do this opening.
My autistic brain cant win a single chess game😢
Levy never fails to be held hostage
Just don't get beaten by the Leonhardt Gambit
I'll try this on a 1500 ELO bot and win 100% of the time as soon as I play a 600 ELO I lose
Sin of fame ,me
Sin of fame
I like playing both sides of the Scandi.. The measure of a fun system to play 😉
I once saw you use this opening in a video of yours a few days ago and ive been using it nonstop. Its so fun to play with this opening
sprobuj nie zclickbaitowac challenge
ten jeden biały skurczybyk:
this is a change of delivery from e.g your old how to win at chess series.
this is much more direct and feels like its being told a bit more on equal terms somehow. great video! can you do one on the g3 english pleaeeaaase
Can’t wait to get more successful leonhardt gambits now
I love your opening Videos man :). It's sad to see them being outperformed by "Magnus Thumbnail Videos"
I Always setting up tenison gambit vs this 😂 my winrate on my 600 elo vs this Is 90procent with almost half game end Very early check mate EM.
I'm learning Sicilian right now, so may be i'll try it later. So please don't remove the free sample part in future. 😗😗😊😊
Im not going to play it or it would loose its 100% win rate
Super cool to see an update on this. I've been playing the Scandinavian based on your last video about it for a couple months now, and loving it.
Dear Levy, YouTube’s captions block the black pieces. Can you get your editor to do subs under your pic or something? 🫶
Or maybe Fabi was just going easy on him
Make a video on King's Gambit.
In 4.45 min what if white play f3 ?
Very good!!
i was playing some games earlier and was wondering why i was getting such a high amount of scandis against me, i guess this video is why
bro I only know the pirc defence
Gotham: I am 15-0 with this opening
Then proceeds to show video of him losing to Fabi
How about caro?.. 😢
I just bought your caro! 😭
Its a flash in the pan.
instruction unclear : All my opponents are having 100 percent winstreak against me.
now he crossed all the limits of clickbait thumbnails
Looks worth pursuing (for this average player) thanks GC .. Does this mean I should put my Caro on the shelf? 🥝♟
Magnus isnt Fabi, neither is Hikaru or Daniel
Levy betrayed the caro kann
Levi never fails to be kidnapped
Scandinavian is great. I love to play this Gotham setup, but I think it has a problem. The problem is that pawns aren't collaborating to the opening so much, and they can't move that much; Because usually their path is blocked by the other pieces, and we should remember pawns are the soul of the chess!
4:40 and if white moves knight on e4 ?? You lose a tempo on Queen and then KxKf6 check, and loses a full piece (the bishop) a fter white QxBg4 ?!
Thanks you i love Play vs this opening es win
We Getting abused by the 100-370 ELO with this one😿😿🐱👤🐱👤🙉🙉🦁🦁🐱👓🐱👓
Levi: you can add the scandenevian to your toolbox
Me who only plays the scandenevian: I see this as an actual win.
When Levy said “Remember, Listen to me!” I instantly knew this opening was worth learning🥸
Random noob is personal 😭
Are there going to be more guess the elo episodes???
Levy out here ready to catch bodies with that pin of shame
I think it is weird but I am Scandinavian
Greetings Coach ✨
The Scandinavian Defense is my all-time favorite opening, and i will likely buy your course on it when i get paid