2 Knights Checkmate Trick
2 Knights Checkmate Trick
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Enjoy The Video!
And yet two knights is theoretical draw hmmmm
You sound like oogway
"cHeIkMaYt" 😭
who said 2 knigths cant checkmate in chess…
you did… like 5 times
Chekmæte 🔥🔥🔥
The way he said “Checkmate!” Is so fucking goofy,I love it😂
Zesty ahh checkmate
So cool how he says checkmate
"ChEkMeyT" 😂😂
My 300 elo ass solved this puzzle lets go
Cheayckmayte 👌
“Checkmayyte” 😀😀
I like your checkmate voice
Bro ur "cHeAkMeYt" is too wierd
"Nobody expects this move" Me: move the king to threaten taking the rook.
"It's not the move you were thinking"
"2 knights checkmate"
-uses rook
after black covers with rook isn’t moving the knight below the rook mate?
My knights who always die at the start:
Yeah keep on dreaming
The way he said Checkmate made me subscribe
For the first time i guessed the killer move 😀 these shorts have really helped my ideas
Why black rook didnt go to f5 to take the knight?
wtf was that CHEEUGHGMATE!
the first 'chzEķKmeAyT' was so comically aggressive
"So you're think king going here is better? ChEaTmAtE" "and if you think we capture back I have better idea ChEaTmAtE"
Why is he so zesty with the cHecKMatE
Bro really did the impossible, he really checkmate with 2 knights
His 'Checkmate!' voice is so funny, so good… infinity.
Couldn’t you just move Nf6 before you move the king for mate because of the pin?
ChEkMaTe is too funny
Man that "cHEakMEtE" is so awsome 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
He has develop sentience because of that "chEYYKMeyt"
Bro i just come here for the "ChEeCMeYt"
i think ive seen this pattern before with two knights and a king in a box, brilliant!!
I thought of kg7 before you said it
My honest reaction 😮
Ooh the beautiful "chECkMaTE" 😊
Checmet :)))
The "Checkmate" is the best line
nahh wtf