3 Year Old Chess Prodigy Is Absolutely INSANE
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I absolutely love your humor
I was very much anticipating the inevitable rant about how this kid plays better than us
I just watched the recent 60,000 dollar queen blunder a felt really good about myself but now I feel bad again because this three-year-old is significantly better than me
Ain't now way somebody that can barely talk is better than me
32yrs old here. The queens gambit got my wife and I interested in chess again, but YOU got me into it in a more competitive manor. Thank you for all your content dude, I learned the Kara khan defense from you! Still refining it because I suck, but watching your videos everyday to learn more! Love the, "win at chess" series, please keep all of it coming man!
Too bad, he'll go to war at the age of 8 and die in foreign country
You are good people Levi!!!
we just gonna ignore how he said everyone needs some D at 7:17 LMAO
Did you teach at ps130 in nyc?
Misha has been 3 years old for the last 5 years damn
Russian terrorist country , no need to promote their
Can't wait for Osipov to pop up in GothamChess videos 30 years in the future.
" There are kids outthere * ja ja ja ….j
Dude, what do you think about this Russian little teenage girl whose name is Pinkamena? Can you cover some of her games? I think she’s amazing..
We just need Vordt's music
Wow, your russian is top notch. Where did you learn the pronunciation?
gotham forgot that people lie on their age
anybody gonna talk about him saying lebron is from football
im 16 and ive been playing fror 2 years
If he’s that tall at 3, he’s not going to be a “tiny, tiny human” for long.
He should have taken the draw, I guess he doesn't know how much of an achievement that would be on its own lol
Seen a clip of this with dark souls boss music accompanying karpov walking in, funny af
Today's stare was 0/10 nothing new
im 12
This is why I support Russia 🇷🇺 ☦️
Everybody needs some D
– Levy
Bro thought he could just say everyone needs some d and get away with it. You naughty naughty Gotham
Why do I hear boss music playing?
I can guarantee that your audience is not that old… From experience
What the holy actual fuck this is legitimate insane
When I was three, the most intelligent thing that I was able to figure out was that after I picked my nose I should switch fingers because it was less icky.
8.9/10 stare today
Labron James football??!? Did anyone else catch that. Wtf 😅
His Mom is at 3:26
you don’t need hyphens between the words 3 year old
That's a tall 3 yr old
This is amazing
Would love if you covered current GM's games from their younger years. There are some brilliant games out there that I've seen from random searches of player's older games.
Must be them Russian supplements
The meme videos of this event are pure gold!
I’m disappointed i’m bout to eat and like always i open youtube to watch levy and i was expecting to see levy face asap in youtube and i saw this kid 😅😢😂
Lebron james the footballer
We love when a 3 year old stops ageing for 7 years. Rumor has it, his ancestor was Ashe Ketchum
16:56 aint no way you think lebron is a football player.
BRROOO your russian is amazing
They had great potential, tis a shame their bones were turned into a chess set…
At 10:20, as he looked on in astonishment, Karpov thought to himself, "OMG! Misha sacrificed the ROOOOOOOK!!!!"
When i was 3 yr old I knew my name, parents’ names and some animal names, nothing more
this kid is gonna be the next chess champion