3 Year Old Chess Prodigy Is Absolutely INSANE
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Anatoly Karpova!! (Boss music kicks in)
other countries: this kid has potential, lets train him
Russia: this kid has potential lets make him fight the final boss
just accept the damn draw. Who can say "I draw a chess world champion at 3?" that's his only blunder.
Hi Youtube, Here to say, that Misha Osipov played Karjakin also, and made a draw 🙂
Why I hear boss music?
Man, your Russian pronounciation is at the top 1%
dang we cant make fun of martin anymore he is just going easy on us.
I feel bad for that kid
xd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7BVtGnlxT8
"Luchie fceh" means: better then every one
7:22 💀
bro was born in a chess board
As a former 3 year old
The dude had 3 years to train no excuses
Imagine forcing your child to play chess
Imagine forcing your child to play chess
Every time you say Михаил Осипов without accent is like an electric shock. 🙂
Learnt to move the pieces age 6 or 7, haven’t a clue what I was thinking at 3 but it sure wasn’t chess.
0:34 How many tries did it take to pronounce that name 😂
Most three year olds don't even understand the concept of having to follow rules when playing a game! They just do what they want then declare themselves the winner!
7:20 everybody needs a whattttttttttt levyyy rozman
As an -3 years old i can't confirm anything 😂
I am 12 years old
As a time traveller I can say this kid will one day become the best player in history rivalling the greatest machine
My Age of my account is not my real age. So I wonder how accurate your stats are. I think im not the only one. Maybe 10% or more?
The kid today has a fide rating of 1113 and a rapid rating of 1191 and he still play a little bit of chess as of July 2023. Strong enough to beat most adults but definitely not at competitive chess.
Can you tell me where im going wrong here? for the puzzle at 16:00, can it be checkmate in 1 move if white moves the king to f7?
Final boss music incoming when karpov came in
7:20 everybody needs some d hahaha
Is this good for him ?
A developing brain to do this ?
Stress ?
As a 10 year old I solved the puzzles in 3 seconds
Karpov had 3minutes? That's unfair for Karpov. 😂
4:10 in that setup it looks somehow illegal to play a child that young ^ ^
How to traumatize a kid hahaha so sweet
levy at 16:20, black can't take the knight the pawn is pinned by the bishop. its kind of the point of the entire position.
The boy is not insane, he was born to be the way he is.
As a 3yo boy , i can confirme that this is a story made by a 3yo
Gotham: I hope I don't get copyrighted 😂That's not the right terminology, dude 🤦
I think I was barely able to stack blocks decently at 3 years old ….
I like that the Master has played the 3 years old kid almost seriously. 😀 – That shows how good the kid is. Just focusing on the board, it's easy to forget he is 3 years old. Incredible.
Now that he's 10, his rating has skyrocted all the way to 1100.
Levy never fails to make humans look like robots in his thumbnail
Also, keep in mind: the kid probably knows Karpov , might be one of their idols. I would just shake, unable to think in his position. He actually plays an amazing game, instead of just seeing white!
In Russia, you born playing chess and vodka is in mother's breast.
Im sorry, I had to stop the video half way to find the boss music meme
What is that money bouquet behind you?
Lebron James is the realest football player of all time
omg, cool content straight from the russain propaganda TV. well done!
16:27 Why not king F8 KF7 ?
A chess player who cries… what a baby… oh wait…