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%1$ Comments332

    Gimme that f**king Queen! Oooooh we take it everyday.

    My friends once did a fucking six rooks checkmate💀💀💀

    Promote pawns to knights to mate and disrespect your opponet.

    Gothamchess in a nutshell: THE ROOOOOKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!

    Man really be treating chess like a competitive shooter

    I typed this comment using a spoon🎉😂
    Btw good video❤

    and he sacrificed… THE KING!! WITCH LOSES THE GAME

    So góoooooood🎉 bang bang👁️👄👁️

    The other dude shouldve just tried to draw by repetition

    Never let them know your next move: "And he sacrifised…His left nut"

    Latest news: Master oogwgay stole the left nut. Reason remains unknown.

    "Cut off one head, two more shall take its place" -Red skull, Captain america

    Why wouldn’t you get a queen instead of a rook

    Yesterday I played a brilliant rook sacrafice too. I won the game with 3 brilliants. I won‘t play a game like this ever again!

    In case you were wondering the music/song's name is "In this shirt" wheelsturns (instrumental + slowed)

    bro sacrificed the THE ROOOK just to get 3 more

    "œőøöòôõ we takkin' everythinngg" -levi

    I like how the chat made it look like levy became levi

    A fellow man of culture promoting to rooks over queens


    The best chess game I’ve ever seen, and it’s not even because of the game itself

    Everytime i open shorts Levi screams 😂

    I once had two rooks holding the king on the b6 b7 and b8 squares. I had three pawns one the right side. And after almost stale mating. I made a 5 rook checkmate.

    Gimme the ***** queen! Yass! Ooh, we takin everything!

    Lol so this is why I always see comments like he sacrificed THE QUEEEEEEEEN on chess channels 😂

    Then he sacrificed…..


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