5 Year Old Wins Her FIRST Ever Chess Game! #shorts

The Joy of Winning for the First Time! ❤️

Video: ChessBase India

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%1$ Comments331

    First ever game? Stupid author, such a dumb………. HOW TF 5 YO IN HER FIRST GAME EVER CAN CHECKMATE???? OMG BRO, GET OUT OF THE YOUTUBE…….

    People thinks chess is all about intelligence but no they forget it involves memorization too at an extreme level

    I bet I could beat the shit out of that kid in chess

    My 6 year old siblings thinking the king moves like a queen and the knight can jump over anytjing as long as its in an L shape (they will legit go 2 squares up and 2 squares left with the knight)

    Why she was lookin like Alexandera from botez channel😭

    hey,is there a full video of this match, im struggling to find her chess match

    My neighbor won his first game when he was only 11 months old.

    Me at the age of 24 still learning openings by watching samay raina streams🗿

    When a 5yo plays better than most average chess player

    They're 7-8 in this division but still impressive

    Is it just me or does she look like Alexandra Botez?

    Вообще-то вместо взятия сд4 и мат не избежен

    He is looking like Botez sisters a lil bit 😂😂

    Awwwwwwwwwww,,, omg ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🌼,,,, so cute n intelligent n innocent😭

    The head shake and smile at last… Too much Cute!! ❤️

    Yeah winning first game is really important moment

    तेजेंद्र गर्गे says:

    Very cute and innocent!!!

    She made us to realise that she have potential to become next world champion 😊

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