5 Year Old Wins Her FIRST Ever Chess Game! #shorts

The Joy of Winning for the First Time! ❤️

Video: ChessBase India

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%1$ Comments331

    People who thinks she could become a world champion

    Bruh I dont think that's the first time that she wins a game

    Dharma Varta धार्मिकवार्ता says:

    GM material. 😂😂😂

    At first she really did wasted her time by moving the king she could have played better btw I also love chess since the age of 5.

    alright little tucker now explain quantum mechanics in layman's terms

    The future of India. Its brighter than Venus

    They said Cricket is a Gentleman's game. But I would say Chess is actually the Gentleman's game.

    The nodding they both did at the end was adorable 😍😍😍

    Is it just me who thinks that the girl who won looked like the child version of Alexandra Botez

    Age does not matter she deserves to play…

    My favourite game…. ❤❤
    Now i'm able to play 3 minute quick chess rounds.. and my current rating is 1401. 😊

    Which academy is best for chess class n less fees caz i cant afford fees i want to teach chess to my son

    Me at 12 who lost 25 matches in a row even when i watched tip videosI mean i’m not surprised i suck at everything i try

    Woah…..it's amazing 👏🏻💜🌟

    Parents must encourage kids in sports. Especially women. They are equally if not more talented than men. All they need is support and encouragement.

    Bro I am very happy for her even she is not toxic😍😇🤗✨🥰

    im here trying to figure out how to even play chess

    I learned chess at the age of 14 and now after 3 years i am at 1700 elo but these geniues never cease to amaze me ☠️

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