50 QUEENS vs 1 PAWN | Chess Memes #21

50 QUEENS vs 1 PAWN | Chess Memes #21

#chess #chessmemes #memes

%1$ Comments144

    black king: calls a file a “strip”

    me: 💀

    The kings and queens are like 0.0000000000001 elo

    -6million elo game play . 😂😂😂😂
    Qxe6 on the first move check mate 😂😂

    There where so many checkmates in 1 this hurts my brain on how you don’t see the checkmate

    You are such an idiot you could have just made one move and we won the whole game but no you didn't do that

    Dude the thumbnail is already checkmate

    CANT belive they didint just kill the pawn

    Bro in the beginning c7 is checkmate 😂

    Nah u just trying to make the video longer right?

    Was there some unspoken rule that they can’t take the pawn lol

    I love how there were 10 different checkmates every move yet white played the only wrong moves possible.

    There was mate in one and they didn’t do for some stupid reason

    If you mind telling me what song is that called in the end of the vid Thank you

    bro it was a mate in 1 why did u not see it and played it to dumd bro come on.the king killed like 20 or 15 bro why you being such a big noob not to be rud


    Boi you could just use ladder checkmate


    edit: and queen takes pawn mate in 1 missed
    1:30 and on 3:16
    ladder mate

    no way… there was mate in 1 didnt see. forced mate in 2 didnt see. damn

    Why is it ok if i spam heart this comment if yes

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