98.3% vs 98.8% Accuracy! | An Interesting Game!
Candidates 24 Day 4, Hikaru vs Praggnanandhaa
🎨 Thumbnail ► JojoChessNoob
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#gmhikaru #chess #candidates2024
A key to high level chess: "some people are going to start going crazy"
Has hikaru picked up that thumbnail from the movie RRR😂😂😊
‘He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight’ as Sun Tzu said. Fingers crossed!
come on Hikaruuuu Wishing you success from Argentina!
You can do it….
Very very interesting
Kramnik must be TERRIFIED
youre letting us down 🙁
Not Hikaru using RRR poster as thumbnail template 💀
I do think that the Rest day will benefit Hikaru and refresh his mind from all the chaos. Still rooting for you Hikaru!!
You can’t win at chess but atleast you can win streamer award
You need to retired from chess hikaru, you don’t have strategy and you just played as a student in chess school, i told you many times strategic of pragg is defend 99% attacks 1%.
4th game, 4th opening disaster. Hope you find some time in the rest day to fo at least some minor opening prep to try to catch up to the other players.
rrr thumbnail
Love you from India
The Thumbnail LoL 😂🤣
Hikaru just has to let his special meter charge up so he can hit them with the samurai slice
I came because of the thumbnail 😂😂😂😂
Lmao nice thumbnail 😀
Hikaru looks like prag big brother😂
Who tf cares about good content, you're in the fking Candidates ffs!
I'm loving all these positive vibes but if i'm being honest, why do you even bother playing at all?
thumbnail rrr is unexpected lol Hikaru has good team behind thumbnail
In Hikaru we trust…look forward, the past is the past
lmao the thumbnail
This streamer is quite good at chees.
Amazing Person Hikaru
Those thumbnails are turning better day by day❤😂
Lad you were white and did not win yet again, so it's more like he took you for a ride, not the other way around.
that thumbail is so bait i love it!!
Saying you're playing for content during the candidates feels like a cop out for losing. All good, though, but the actual content your fans want to see is strong winning chess by you. Not these weak jokes. Anyways keep having fun and memeing 😅
I love your mentality nowadays
Love ur videos and ur personality! ❤
RRR movie photo edit is really good ❤
That thumbnail🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thumbnail 😂😂😂😂
Sorry to say but hikaru is the weakest player in 2024 candidates😂
Soy tu fan! :0 los dos lo hicieron fantástico 👏
Fight back. Enjoy the rest day.
We don’t need your content we need to see you at all these players haikaru
Good luck Hikaru I hope you win
😂 truly a killer thumbnail
How does Kramnik explain games like this, where both sides of the board are each over 98% accurate? Does Kramnik have to do the procedure to both sides? Since Kramnik is definitely an anal beads specialist, he knows both players are “interesting.”
What is this thumbnail 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Instead of Be3, why didn't go for Nxe5 where you get his dark squared bishop and thus have a bishop pair and an imbalanced position? Be3 looked like it was going for a too drawish position
Someone call the Krembulance!
Thumbnail editor must be Indian or he watched RRR movie 🍿
what is thumbnail lmao
Hikaru is like Alexander Hamilton of chess content. Hoping someday a future Lin Manuel Miranda makes a musical on Hikaru’s life.
Two GM finished their Game without any Great or brilliant moves