98.3% vs 98.8% Accuracy! | An Interesting Game!

Candidates 24 Day 4, Hikaru vs Praggnanandhaa
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#gmhikaru #chess #candidates2024

%1$ Comments344

    thumbnail pic from "RRR" movie made me laugh

    Honestly this draw is a huge win! Hikaru had to go for it and Pragg is a formidable opponent

    Could we meet to take a Photo somewhere in Toronto? My Son is your fan.

    It's still very early in the tournament. If within a point of the leader(s) at the mid point, it's anyone's tournament. But falling further behind only means that bigger risks have to be played and opponents will take advantage of that.
    After this round 4, only Nepo has a 1 1/2 point lead on Hikaru which can be considered acceptable at this point. Nepo is playing practical chess, taking advantage of opportunities as they come and not forcing play.

    RRR's dominance in the thumbnail hits hard for Indians especially south Indians. Hyderabad.

    Thx as usual for your opinions and analysis…
    Yes, one could get the feeling that you were outmaneuvered in the center, I'm familiar with some nuances regarding the center pawns in double king pawn setups like this but I don't believe anyone has opined the same so it'll be an interesting avenue of investigation.
    But it's easy to say that when Pragg responded fxe6 that the game was headed to a draw from there and I think that was cemented when he played Ra8 and you exchanged instead of playing something like Rb1.. Declining the trade that way would have given yourself a very bad Rb1 but whether Pragg left the Ra8 or played Ra2, the interesting question is which rook would be worse and if a White attack on the Kingside could be created, the Rb1 might be redeployed faster than the Black rook could make itself felt.

    I love how in the other thumbnail they are wearing suits but for this one it's just hikaru and pragg riding a bike😂

    East or west Hikaru sensei is the best ❤

    Some of the best games are draws. This was so evenly balanced and accurate from both sides

    We need a big W Hikaru! I'm confident you can secure victory soon

    Hikaru, you are perfectly navigating this marathon, as you called it. Continued success as you become the next World Chess Championship Challenger…you'll school ding, btw.

    He is playing for the 50k views not the WC Title

    0:15 – I know Magnus is the goat but isnt the successor to Magnus Ding? Im not good enough at chess to truly understand the level of play but is Ding really that much irrelevant?

    what's with the thumbnail😂😂😂😂

    They’re scared of you… of course they’re gonna want draws. Keep your cool and show them what you’re famous for. You’ve got this, Hikaru!!

    Thanks for your reactions to your own games.

    The thumbnail is the best, I LOVE IT!!❤❤❤❤❤❤

    Naka u need to buck up. Nepo already has 2 wins. If you don't start winning he will take the candidates.

    Please win.

    dang, this is in Toronto. I'm only 3 hours away

    we wanna see you take the risk and play your enjoyble play like you always do cause it may be your last candidates to let your legacy in classical chess , we wanna welcome you in morroco as world champion contender inshaallah ❤

    Hikaru is using this candidates for content, we all know this guy has the ability to win it all but not his priority lol

    If pragg played that opening vs hikaru he would of won. If hikaru had balls he wouldn't choke either. What ifsss

    I think that the same reason you were hoping to get the deferred Schliemann is the same reason Pragg didn’t try it against you

    Thanks for these recaps! Appreciate you!

    1:35 – Pragg didn't play an obscure move in the opening with you, because you're the one player who plays better with chaos on the board. He knows you play in weird games everyday online. That's why he 'surprised' Vidit with f5, and played technically correct against you. Beating Nakamura at chaos chess was never going to happen. Nakamura wants the mess, and that's why his opponents so far are just playing plain chess with him.

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