Andrew Tate explains how chess will improve your life

Andrew Tate learned chess at a young age from his father, the late Master Emory Tate. In this interview he explains how learning the game helped shaped his view on life for the better.

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    Of all the possible life lessons he comes away with β€œif your woman is Sh you’ll have a Sh life. So make sure your woman obeys you!” πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

    People who think this guy is smart are dumb

    What the lizard looking girl doing in the back there

    And then, when idiots like him come together, you have the whole board filled with just 16 copies of the weakest piece in the game, cuz every one of these idiots thinks he's the king. I'd rather be the pawn. You start of weak, but you have the potential to evolve into any of the stronger pieces if you push hard enough. While the king has no potential at all and needs constant protection. So yeah, anyone who claims to be the king is kinda shooting himself in the foot πŸ˜…

    Nah no one cares about this game or another game there chicken

    Sometimes you need to sac the queen too win πŸ˜‚

    A True King Will always Sacrifice to protect his Family & People.

    This Tatta is completely living in Pseudo world

    Fact: this is the immortal opera game where white sacrifed the knight, the rook and a queen to get a checkmate. Popular and brilliant enough to be entitled immortal and got a checkmate pattern named after it

    Say what you want about Tate I don’t like him that much but he teaches good lessons when’s he trying for a lesson not attention

    Which podcast is this πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all day 🀣

    Pawns r more like side bitches. U keep them at a distance. But if she works hard enough, she can also become your queen

    "the queen has to obey the king"
    also the queen: the most ruthless and badass piece on the board that does whatever she wants

    Also that the Pawns once they've survived the hardship and made it to the otherside of the board then they can upgrade to a valuable piece including a queen

    So……what youre saying is you like femboys? Because if a pawn gets to the other side……..boy you nasty

    Chess was made because someone died in a war

    me when i won a game of chess after me daily loosstreak

    Yes but you also end up sacrificing like every piece including the queen, rooks pawns, bishops and knights but i don't think that we sacrifice them in real lifeπŸ’€πŸ’€

    Bro is inspired from bobby Fischer πŸ₯°

    The position on the board is from the famous Opera game

    Tell us more how you use young girls for webcams… better idea?

    Uh oh, I've blunderd another queens

    Chess is psychological, objective and instinctive to an extent than subjective to emotion so yeah if want to base it on life it could be…

    Does he know the clearest point? The king is the weakest piece lmaoo

    He sounds confident, but really hes just talking out of his ass. He doesnt know the first thing about chess.

    If pawns rep people who aren’t loyal who you can use and main pieces are people who you trust who are loyal, pawns can become mains later in the game too

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