Andrew Tate explains how chess will improve your life

Andrew Tate learned chess at a young age from his father, the late Master Emory Tate. In this interview he explains how learning the game helped shaped his view on life for the better.

%1$ Comments206

    nah i did a in real life botez gambit

    I always knew chess supported the trans movement. You always get that odd child soldier who thinks he's a woman when he gets his tiara at his promotion.

    says the guy who completely shat on a chess netflox series because the protagonist is a woman

    He is only around 1800 rating. He is not a strong player.

    Wait til the pawn reaches the end of the board, it's now a queen

    I love how it shows the opera game there

    If u promote the pawn to queen that means, your worker who is a girl will become your wife

    Yeah but those pawns are the strongest since they can literally promote to anything and they are low in quality but high in quantity so I say pawns are the strongest piece in chess!

    I wonder if that dude got an education with his prize money?

    Here's a badass quote: "life is like playing chess, when you move pieces it's called choices but when god makes a move it's called challenges."

    – a quote from my brothers yearbook thing

    Andrew The Fuckin Goat ๐Ÿโค๏ธ

    Don't have any of these things and still doing well. Thanks x

    And remember…a pawn can always be upgraded all the way up to a queen ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Meanwhile, his brother Tristan: I spent 10K on party and nerds keep playing chess ๐Ÿ˜‚ (I donโ€™t hate Andrew tho)

    Queen obey the king even though she has million times more power? Ha. Good luck.

    The Opera game but Paul Morphy credit to whoever did the board

    I treat my women like a queen.

    Sacc the queen.

    Not only to put everyone on the right place but also sacrifice some of the which is the sad part

    We gotta make a female chess version
    Lmao ^^!

    Tate is telling men to be men and here are simps wanting to be slaves of women and feminism

    "Queen obeys king"

    You see, this is where the misogyny comes from

    Chess teaches much more interesting lessons than this superficial nonsense

    If you promote a workforce they become your second queen, and thatโ€™s called cheating, happens in life ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Never let them know you're next move
    I chose to have no queen

    its a game that was born during a brutal age when life counted for little and everyone believed that some people were worth more than others. Kings and pawns. I don't think that anyone is worth more than anyone else. Chess is a game, real people are not pieces that you can sacrifice, anyone who sees life is a game of chess deserves to lose

    Wait but I thought like the whole point of Andrew Tate was that the men protects the women but in chess the queen protects the king because the queen has the best moves

    and you sacrifice the queen in order to win

    Who else is focusing on the people in the background and listening at the same time

    What queen is gone that worker/pawn will soon be a Queen๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘๏ธ what the Shrek

    King being the most important piece but can control over others still weak compared to other pieces except pawns but pawns can be changed into other stronger pieces after reaching the other end hmmm… This indicates the king is weak that's why he needs to be protected according to this logic

    Why the horse rook and bishop look like that tho

    it couldn't teach him how to make his father love him ๐Ÿ™

    So ,the point of your life is to just kill some random dude?

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