Andrew Tate smokes Piers Morgan || Digital CHESS BOARD added on-screen

Piers Morgan invited Andrew Tate on his show once again, after the normal interview and discussion, Piers Morgan decided that they play a game of chess to end the show and this is how it went.


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#andrewtate #chess #piersmorgan

%1$ Comments464

    Sometimes, i accidentally steal somebodys chick. Just like "oops"

    Its a wasted life because it wastes hell lot of time, and u do nothing else expect being a nerd.

    At1:15, Tate would've had a much easier win if he kept the bishop in its place, since it wasn't threatened and played KnF3 instead. Black can only encounter with QuE4 or QuH6. At 0:50, black's best move in my opinion is KnF6. 1:11 , black should retreat the queen.

    Tate always plays the Queen's Gambit because he's a fan of the show and how well it represents strong, female characters

    Breaking news:

    Piers drops queen and says that chess is sexist.

    Chess teaches absolute self accountability. If you lose, somewhere, you, made a mistake. That is just brilliant.

    Piers Moron 😂 Stop cutting When someone speaking to You bruh

    Remember Andrew´s father was legit a genius in chess and also could speak multiple languages.

    Piers elo: 200
    Andrew elo: wasn’t even trying but the way he played against him I speculate that to be of 800-1000

    "Life and chess reflect" who else play chess to learn life lessons than to just have fun?

    hes not even looking at Piers, constantly just into the camera, directly.

    He had mate in 3 that I think he missed intentionally to keep the game going

    “I always take some else’s chick” words of wisdom

    Piers is an absolutely terrible player. Giving away a queen for free like a guy who just learned the basics of the game two days ago.

    Andrew Tate is still saying the same shit and even more annoying 10 years later. And y’all little kids out here still listening to this “alpha” 🤣

    Here’s some alpha shit you can do…

    Go out into the wilderness and learn how to build a fire.

    Read a damn book

    Go to your mom’s house and do something for her without her asking you.

    That’s alpha shit, not the dumbassery Tate tells you 🤣

    wtf is this title, defo some virgin wrote it

    "virgin Piers Morgan" hahahahahahahahah🤣🤣🤣🤣the title made the video thousand times hillarious

    😏 stupid game, a six out of ten generic so called queen going on her own to conquer an army and bag new man, a religious bishop door to door sales and marketing person taking on horse and men with the possiblity of hurting other clergy members from the opposition, waste of life indeed.

    I can feel the negative energy of Pierce

    Correct me if I'm wrong but you can't castle if you where checked?

    the creator of this video got butt hurt when he said the quote lmao. the ability to play chess well is still a waste of life. but the ability to play chess at a world class level and win money is not a wasted life. they are both 2 different things lil bro.

    Like or hate him but I wish more people could simply appreciate the human aspect of anybody coming from utter poverty, to making themselves generationally rich, to placing themselves on the most stressful national platform designed to make you look bad – then simultaneously destroying the host in chess while never breaking your cool. Most people growing up in middle class get anxiety in a damn fast food line.

    32 seconds away from safety not 25 seconds. 😂😂😂

    I think he played with him because somthing he wanta from him…

    “ I always accidentally take someone chick”🤣

    0:56 👽🗿1:33 this deserves to be an edit breh 👽🗿 Top G takes Morgan's misses!

    Chess does reflect life, Peirs shows that because he is just making it up as he goes and has the mentality of "theres nothing i can do to overcome oh well"

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