Andrew Tate’s First Chess Game Out Of Jail…
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Tried to be more energetic today!
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Is here any really chess player?? Wtf are they playing??😂😂😂
Three "FFReee" whaff the dithrence 2:20
clickbait as fck
knight f-free
Why are you jump cutting so much????? Be yourself and stop acting like those people who jump cut every milli second
k C fReE
damn I thought for sure he would play that knight move. I'm not nearly as high rated so I didn't understand that the pawn would defend the d4 square, I just saw a check with the knight leading to a free pawn on f5. Still a good game!
What's andrew tate's chess account?
bro the captions when you said pawn put po** instead 💀
AYO 4:32
3:27 "Tates"
Can't spell Andrew tate without the W
4:25 hmmmm bit sus Tate
I'm rated 1940. Would easily smoke Tate any day of the week.
Andrew Take
elo like 600 game
how do you know it was his game?
Pitiful for someone being 1600 elo
1650 seems a lot weaker than I remember it being.
Hikaru needs to watch this
I wonder if anyone would challenge Tate on chess-boxing lol
You can play chess in prison
can somebody send game link
the pawn fork for quenn and bishop is not blunder tate woulde hjave gotten 3 pawns for 1 bishop
bro at 2x speed its a bit faster and you can understand everything
funny how im 900 elo and can beat andrew, ive seen him play other games of chess and hes been doing much better than me but in this one he completely lost it
"berry" good
If opponent went B5, he would’ve sacrificed the bishop to attack rook A8 with queen
why pple keep mispelling his name,… TATE… is Andrew The Tit…. always have been…
Basically, he’s not very good for someone who talks a big game.
Black missed chackmate
Are u sure they're 1600? They're playing very poorly
I want to see the Botezlive sisters vs Andrew Tate💀
Bro thinks he's GothamChess💀
Lol he's shit 😀
How wS he able to play in prison. He had no phone.
Black could have mated him at 5:18 rook to h2 then pawn to e4
What is the name of his account
5:18 If the 2nd rook moves down to H2, wouldn't that be checkmate?
Th- Th- Th- Threeeeee not "Fr- Fr- Fr- Freeee"
Yea I can tell Tate isn't that good cuz I'm a moderate ELO player and I have some games where I play bullet at 90+ accuracy and instantly spot the tactics missed in this game.
Why did bro resign?
this is like a 1000 match
Bro is bad
God loves you so much get too know him before it's too late ❤❤
lmao what a loser he is saying he is a literal god and best at chess while RESIGNING