Tates eyes never leave the board until he knows he's won. Adin is constantly looking away. Top G pays attention. Reply
Killing spree of piece's at the end. His middle game and end game is garbage. But solid opening Reply
Bro I bet adin was practicing on the chess app with the weaker players, they litterly let u take like how adin is letting Andrew take Reply
it pained me to see him not attack the rook by moving his knight, it would be fine if it was open for 3 moves, but this move was open for about 10 Reply
Me wanting top g to move his sac his knighht for bishop g8 to open and move the pawn attack the queen to get the rook Reply
Bro made a wall💀💀💀💀
I had a stroke watching this, Tate did better but oh my gosh that was horrible playing XD
adin fr playin as the fawkin mittens bot
adins brain didnt form right
And he sacrifices…..THE KING
adin kinda sucks
And then he sacrificed the……. ROOK !!!!
People dont know how to defend
The waffle house Has found the news houst
The Waffle House has found its new host
Tate missed mate in 1 tho
I can tell by his play style tates got the gm basic ideas down
The waffle House has found a new host
Tates eyes never leave the board until he knows he's won. Adin is constantly looking away. Top G pays attention.
Adin plays chess?
The Waffle House has found its new host
Killing spree of piece's at the end. His middle game and end game is garbage. But solid opening
Andrew ELO: 300
bro said i am 200 elo
The waffle house has found its new host
Why is Andrew only playing with beginners 😩
Damn Adin is awful
Why is adin sacrificing all the pawns or he just suck at defense
tates right side of pieces is boring
not me who thought adin was playing black xd
What songs?
Anyone else notice how the beet is going with the movement of the chess pieces moving?
Dude took botez gambit wayyy too far 😂
Song name
Andrew really be playing chess against people lower theb his 200 elo
Bruh Adin is like a 300 elo 😂
Bro I bet adin was practicing on the chess app with the weaker players, they litterly let u take like how adin is letting Andrew take
Wtf was white doin??💀💀
Adin play like a bronze
Adin is like: take, take them all
Its not being drunk its don't know how to play
it pained me to see him not attack the rook by moving his knight, it would be fine if it was open for 3 moves, but this move was open for about 10
cool chess board
noob chess
Tate: "Lose or else…"
Who actually likes Andrew Tate for his “StRoG MaScUlINiTy”??💀💀
Your opponent's noob😏
Adin playing the sacrifice everything gambit
Me wanting top g to move his sac his knighht for bishop g8 to open and move the pawn attack the queen to get the rook
adin actually bet 20 grand on his skill? with his skill he couldnt clap martin