Andrew VS Adin 20 000$ Chess Game

%1$ Comments748

    maybe im stupid but u forgor to say that hes very drunk

    Adin is a very poor chess and 20k less lmao 🤣

    Do you have the absolute biggest opportunity to kill the queen but he didn’t f🤡

    Bruh I keep getting recommended Tate videos, and I don’t even like the dude.

    everyone talking about adin.. but topg also made blunders (missed mate in one on e2..) he has definetely not more than 1100 elo

    Adin's rating is not more than 150 and Andrew's rating is somewhere near 1500…

    Speaking as somebody who loves to play Chess, whoever is playing black was playing like crap. Seriously, so many missed opportunities 🤦🏻‍♂️

    I totally didn’t think adin was the black💀

    One, I hate both of these people, but two for dayum does he suck. There was so many things better he could have done but the thing that made me livid is the fact that he could have taken andrew’s Queen.

    Adin doesn’t know how to play though. Why the top G type music 😂

    Adin sacrificee the KIIIIING!!!

    adin obviously is a beginner, and we all know tate has been playing since a little boy

    “I want 20 gs i want it.” -Andrew Tate

    Tate actually played very mediocre missed a lot of good moves such as winning a free rook with check and what not

    noone gonna talk about adin looking over and seeing andrews balls

    I was watching black as adin for some reason and I was like hey this guy isn’t a complete idiot at everything and then I realized he was playing white

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