Andrew VS Adin 20 000$ Chess Game

%1$ Comments748


    Adin did too many mistakes, is he even considered a pro? If yes, I have to say people's stupidity is reaching newer levels, not to be surprised with the amount of atheists nowadays, with all due respect…

    At least the young G honoured his loss and debt!

    This boy is becoming a real man right infront of our eyes πŸ‘€!

    It’s beautiful don’t βœ‹ stop ever!

    Adin lost and took a huge whiff of Tate’s chair on his own accord. That dude is down bad

    I feel pain every time adin blunders 😬

    The Waffle House has found it’s new host

    The Waffle House has founds its new host

    Oh wow did i just see andrew tate missing mate in 1? πŸ˜‚
    After Kh2 there is Qf2 checkmate which was very obvious move for a 1300 rating player like me .. i thought it was very weird andrew missed that ..

    Adin could literally check mate him on The first move hahahahaha

    Imagine giving someone 20 grands because you lost in chess πŸ˜‚

    Tf is this πŸ˜€ some 500 elo match

    Dang they both are like 1000-1200 players, lotta weird moves

    Eh decent. However, it was basically just Andrew capitalizin on Adinβ€˜a mistakes not really any plays or initaion from his side but well played.

    Why are they so bad and play for 20000 dollars ???

    I-I-I Nelson! I play aggressive with my queen molo!

    Bro must have too much money if he’s this bad and willing to bet 20000

    Addin was just sacrificing all his big pieces wtf

    Anyone noticed how aiden gets a seat thats lower than andrews?

    Black missed a M1 πŸ’€
    Tates probably around a 800-1200

    That tiny clipshot of Andrew riding a little bike 🚴 πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£.

    the waffle house has found its new host

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