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%1$ Comments144

    Not a fan of the cash match proposal, for the reason everyone stated: the opponent would be able to prepare, and the whole point of this opening is to drag them into an unfamiliar territory. What I'd love to see, though, is a casual fun blitz match between Brandon and, say, Hikaru (or Anish), where Brandon plays this opening, with Hikaru deliberately not studying it beforehand (honor system), just to have it streamed and have everyone's opinions on how it goes.

    This is a good way to cheat though. Play a bad/dubious opening and then when you’re out of “theory” start using the engine. Opponents will assume you’re more familiar with the opening which is why you beat them and cheat detection will probably be harder because of the initial string of bad moves

    The thing is Danya would crush him now because you KNOW he has analyzed the critical approach.

    I got banned for 1 day after I beat a guy basically with a commando knight. It wasn't possible without that person's moves. Not completely sure I was banned, but I couldn't play for a day and the other player did accuse me of cheating in a game message

    If you take a castle, the people inside the castle can remain secretively hostile.

    A trait of liars is sharing excessive and dramatic details around the lie, and this dude went so god damn excessive that there's literally no way he's not lying

    You cannot prove for certain whether someone has cheated or not simply by analysing their games. It’s simply circumstantial evidence.

    I guess you could call it The Hong Cloud Opening

    Hikaru cheated too. He played lots of bong cloud opening (which is -2 too) against high rated player and still won

    I'm tired of the cheating allegations. Either put cameras in place or move on. You allow people to create anonymous accounts. Then require no visual protection, then use computer analysis to detect the cheating. It's dumb. If you are playing for money, put on the cameras.

    Too many comments so I wonder if you will read this: will love to see you play hand and brain with some other streamers.

    I don't know whether or not he cheated, but it's interesting to see how people jump to 'is it Magnus or Hikaru' because if it isn't then it's Stockfish? Like, if I was a well-known grandmaster dropping games against a nobody playing a dumb opening then I am pretty sure that'd be tilting. As for the cheating allegations: Have people actually analysed the games? Because your previous video didn't really do that either; you just started with 'opening bad and then all of the sudden there's counterplay and… black won.' In any case, I wouldn't accept that proposition because if someone gets to prepare it is very different from some random blitz games played at 4 in the morning.

    He won because his opponent made mistakes/blunders, not because he played with 100% best move and 100% accuracy!!!!

    I like how almost everyone in the comments sides with the guy accused of cheating, defending him in every way possible and being against the idea of having an OTB match(because Daniel would have time to prepare, because now there would be pressure on that guy, because of this, because of that). It's like they want nothing to be done against online cheating, which is rampant. But this is no surprise, considering that there are lots of people defending Hans Niemann, who admitted himself of having cheated on multiple occasions in the past.

    The whole point of the opening is to get your opponent out of preparation. If the opponent has studied the opening they will start the game with a real massive advantage.

    I got excited about this opening so I decided to give it a try on my 2k elo account, and guess what, the result surprised me, yeah I lost both games so badly 🤣

    He just admitted to cheating, he just learned an opening by heart and then didn't blunder. I could be a Grandmaster if I did that!

    kramnik secretly laughing in the corner….may his heart now be contended

    I want to believe him. His novel sized response is alarming though. Sometimes in criminal psychology, when a liar is explaining themselves, they often add many unnecessary details to help deviate from the primary topic. I understand wanting to include backstory to explain how one could end up here but this is way way more information than necessary.

    I’m too lazy to go back to the first video. Can someone explain the joke/meme behind the username? 9:46

    Gotham did you forget the points Brandon made in the post? Why do you think he would agree

    The otb rematch wouldn't work, because the whole idea of playing this opening is the surprise factor – getting your opponent off book into situations that you've seen or thought of before but they haven't. In a rematch, Brandon's opponent would be able to prepare ahead of time for the opening and figure out ways to smash it while not falling into specific traps.

    We need to see a live rematch. With anticheat supervision.

    there is a simple explanation:
    These two guys found a quirk/bug in Stockfish.

    A stupid opening that confuses the engine.

    And so they win against all those Stockfish using 'super' GMs.

    I think he didn't cheat

    To finish the Debate
    Just call him over the Board
    And play with Daniel…
    FINISH 😂😊

    I have not looked at all the games, to see how good of moves he has done mid or late game. But for me seams like could be not cheating possible, but why would he have with who am I and all that instead of going straight to the case? So that make me think that he might have cheated

    It seems worth noting that his previous account was banned for cheating as well some years back. Not that that means he necessarily cheated here, but it does seem extremely pertinent to the discussion.

    I am so angry because I made that up in an analysis room in a tournament and named it the Salt Gambit. I cant believe this.

    relative piece value and proving your advantage in the early game is hard to pull off. since bishops are early to middle game pieces and rooks are endgame pieces your basically giving your opponent an advantage rather than disadvantage the entirety of the game since you are playing down a piece. Also, winning games using this opening is high since the arrangements of pieces are obscure and unfamiliar to them since no one plays it so experience is crucial. playing OTB will diminish the surprise factor and tilt to it. and with preparation, you will never lose to this opening and it can be easily refuted.

    I mean that opening is somehow practically valid because rooks are often saved for endgame and bishops are crucial in the middle game. By trading your rook for the opponents bishop on move 3 you set yourself up for a comfortable middle game no matter what evalbar says. And of course you then convert the middle game advantage into convenient endgame

    I wanted to ask, how can one send games to other people?

    Does fairplay ban an account if it plays the same opening 100 times in a row? 😉

    It's very clear that something it's going on when all these no name IMs and GMs are beating the sh*t out of top elite GMs when it comes to online chess but in real life these no name IMs and GMs are absolutely useless over the board. I'm not saying all of them are cheaters but there has to be something going on and it's not a biased opinion. The list of confirmed cheaters in online chess is already huge even among strong GMs. Those who still chose to defend these weird results by no name players are probably young kids that prefer to emotionally defend the players of their generation over what they consider boomers. My argument is based in already proven cheaters and data. Your argument is based on emotions and wanting to defend your generation and mocking older guys

    Brandon is living proof that your nerves can be overcome Levy don't give up on the gm road we're always routing for you

    I feel like with preperation, the opening would be much weaker, so your rematch idea wouldn't be as fair a fight as the online marathon they played late at night where Naroditsky was crunching real time.

    Danya needs to speak up on this. I don't feel like this is a cheating issue.

    Good to see even danya can't convert material odds

    The problem with him playing that opening otb vs Naroditsky or let's say Nakamura is that by now they must have thoroughly studied it thus he might lose giving the wrong impression that he cheated the first time

    Gotham check yourself bro. YOU made a video about a guy. YOU took advantage of the situation by speculating about it in a video. And after YOUR video, the guy just wanted to come and explain himself in as YOU do in your channel. This is not a question. You HAVE TO let him defend himself. “I donno, maybe i'll let him on channel” is not the way to go. KARMA is a thing remember.

    Weird… but kinda smart. Create a "bad" opening where your opponent gets overly confident and thinks they are winning, not realizing that this is a very experienced line and they are prepared for. Then time starts running out and the pressure is on and that leads to blunders.

    Good idea, Levy!!!! I feel sorry for Brandon. He is like a mouse under a mountain pressure….

    I want to believe he is not a cheater. I saw all the games. I don't have advanced tools but if i know something about chess, that games were brilliant.

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