Are you better than my wife?

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%1$ Comments455

    Noooooo!! He forgot to tell us to get out of here!!! Nooooooooooo

    Love this format. One of the best chess videos i've seen ever.

    Levi's face is melting in the background while she makes her moves

    Levy, where can I submit a game? On what email to write? Will be glad to receive an answer)

    Levy's stare has been replaced with his wife's XD

    I remember Lucy looking completely different, for some reason.

    Am I the only one that thinks that Levy looks 15 and 30 at the same time?

    now hopefully Guess The Eval will make a comeback

    the slight disappointment on Levy's face when his wife plays e5 instead of c6 🤣

    Am I better than your wife? Yeah. I am 500 elo higher

    If not pawn move E1 will be good one

    If lucy got white makeup she would be a good girl from the Ring or the grudge

    Such lovely people 🙂 I love this series, keep going and what a superb idea of Lucy, reverse elo swap! Can't wait… Where is the dog???

    Get you a wife that looks at you the way Luci stares at Levi.

    lucy was actually just reading the sign from the kidnapper of what to say

    Pointless game with a high level coming in to finish the game especially in a low rated match the outcome is obvious so what's the point?

    I was honestly waiting for the, "Get outta here"

    You both are so cutee together, sending all of my to you guys 💓🥺

    Good to know I can do things your wife cannot 😉

    The truth is out. We now know who the kidnapper is and Levy is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome! We need a gofundme for the ransom!

    Props to Levy for surviving 4 days hostage from Lucy

    Get someone who looks at you like Lucy looks at levy

    Levy not saying "get outta here" in the end in front of lucy …he is really being held hostage

    I hate those thumbnails. Please stop doing them like that

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