Are you better than my wife?

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%1$ Comments455

    I'm 1200 rating on rapid, but my blitz rating is 800. I can't think under pressure.

    She was looking like she could punch Levy any moment….!

    One of your best vids not gon lie CONTINUE THE SERIES

    Yes reverse elo swap sounders very interesting/entertaining!!

    she had a great sense of humor. Levy is very lucky

    Just for those who wonder, the original title was “Elo swap is back!”

    I just watched the other one literally last night. This is hilarious and she's so mad at you. But you guys are Fr being held hostage

    I'm still watching the video in loop 😢 cuz you forgot to "Get outta here !!"

    The John Lennon and Yoko Ono of the chess world

    Get a girl who stares at you like Lucy does to Levy.

    Did anyone else catch the raised eyebrows at 5:05, when Lucy hovered the mouse over the d7 pawn, which was pinned to the queen?

    Lucy's deadpan and Levy's goofy face behind her back were so cute

    I'd love to play Lucy again. I was the first opponent from Ep.1 and I've since went up to about 1400 so it would be interesting to play her again and then against Levy ofc.

    Thanks Lucy for reminding me to do my wordle

    idk much about chess but I can treat you better than your wife levy

    In this video Levy did not say "Now Get Out of Here" in the End

    Levy can i plz send u a perfect game the i played with a hundred percent accuracy so u can post it in one of ur video and I'm also subscribed😊

    With such stare and look, she reminds me of the beautiful actress in the movie(predator).

    We did this back in elementary, the swap happens after 20 moves or half the time, or earlier if the person playing want to swap out…
    Whatever comes first.

    Levys wife looked so pissed at the beginning of the video.

    Gotham: doing usual intro and stuff

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