Are you better than my wife?

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%1$ Comments455

    I didn't think this episode was going to be good. But I was pleasantly surprised. Thumbs up!

    can you copy the table here?
    d4 e6
    e4 b6
    d5 e5
    f4 exf4
    e5 qe7
    qe2 g6
    bf4 bg7
    h4 f6
    exf6 qxe2+
    bxe2 bxf6
    bg5 d6
    bb5+ kf7
    nf3 bxb2
    O-O bxa1
    ne5+ kg7

    We need a hand and brain series with Lucy. Make it happen Gotham.

    My hand is hovering over that mouse!!!!!😂😂

    I'm convinced levi is forcing her to play chess in their bed.

    I love how you can tell they’ve been travelling. They both are so tired, it’s a completely different vibe

    It was truly sensational when Lucy Luciiier all over the place and started to lucyyyying

    Levi your wife is very cute, is she single?

    SSSSOOOOOOOO READY for the next video!!!
    I, like many others are excited and waiting! LOL love the death stares and jokes, reminds me of my wife and I would love for y'all to meet one day (i dont normally say y'all, dont judge me on that)

    "Opening your eyes wide doesn't make your stare better"- Lucy 🤣🤣

    Lucy tryna to be more careful on Levy's channel to be better than she is and then 8:35 was very wholesome.. 😁

    Lucy: "Let me make sure I blunder something more before we swap"💀

    Am I the only one that noticed he forgot to say “get out of here” 😂

    There's something kinda unsettling about the thumbnail.

    he didnt say get outta here and im staring at the blank screen for 1 hour

    Did Levy really forgot his 50 minute video with that lion guy.

    Bro casually changed "SWAP THE ELO IS BACK" to "Are you better than my wife?"

    Lucy looks so tired. That's how we know they had a great night 😉

    lucy and levy both being held hostage but remain on the content grind </3

    all i want is a woman to stare at me like lucy stares at levy

    Levy future son will be very proud on him.

    Levy is an absolute legend he is being held hostage and he still manages to upload chess videos daily

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