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Candidates 2024, Round 8 – Hikaru vs Fabiano April 13, 2024
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#gmhikaru #chess #candidates2024

%1$ Comments184

    lets gooo Hikaruu! But now it's time for revenge

    Like the review thing with ??, !!, ?!, but not the arrows

    Congrats for the win, Hikaru. Maybe you can comment something on the Nepomianichi vs Abasov's endgame. I thought Ian was winning, but at the end Abasov found a brilliant defense, moving his rook to the edge of the board with checks. Was there any way white could've won?

    Congrats for the win, Hikaru. Maybe you can comment something on the Nepomianichi vs Abasov's endgame. I thought Ian was winning, but at the end Abasov found a brilliant defense, moving his rook to the edge of the board with checks. Was there any way white could've won?

    whoever does the thumbnails needs a raise

    whoever does the thumbnails needs a raise

    Hikaru deafeted fabi in isle of man norway chess and in madrid 2022 candidates tournament round 8

    Notation without best move arrows is the best! Thank you

    Thanks for the video, GM Nakamura. Have a good day.

    That h4 move was insane. IF I was Kramnik I'd be doing the procedure right now, but we believe in you.

    Dude really act as streamer first and part time chess player second. One of the most important tournament and still prefer doing recap instead of resting or prepping.

    Is Hikamura Nakaku is better than PragnaHAHAHA? 😂

    Eu estou na torcida pelo Caruana aqui no Brasil, mas estou assustado o quanto ele está tendo dificuldades para enfrentar Nakamura nos dois últimos candidatos seguidos.
    Desse jeito se ele não melhorar ele terá de dar adeus ao objetivo de ser campeão mundial de Xadrez Clássico.

    The discipline of Hikaru it's just something to admire, imagine have to prepare to the most important tournament in the world and make this videos after playing

    Todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssaays 😂😂😂

    @GMHikaru Great to have your in-tournament commentary! LETS GO HIKARU !

    I love all the notation and additional information! I'm not good enough to divine all the possibilities like most of your fans can, so thank you! And a hearty congrats on the win, too! I hope to have such harmony and solidity in my game someday.

    I love how you did the game review! It makes it a bit easier to follow as an intermediate 1700-1800 player!

    The arrows/blunders/inaccuracies etc marks are good. Gives us insight on the difference between a super GM's moves vs the absolute perfection that is Stockfish.

    Didn‘t like the game review symbols, cause they were giving incorrect assesments!

    Hikaru is most likely to win the candidates.

    Awesome game full of psychological trappings. Great recap into what a Super GM goes through in a game!

    I’ve never been so excited in my life come on hikaru you can do it

    Good to see you winning and no longer one draw after another. Great win!

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