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%1$ Comments87

    I would be VERY interested in a video about Women's Chess vs "Open Chess".
    And really, more women's chess coverage in general.
    My daughters find inspiration in Anna and Pia, the Botezs, and Dina.

    Levy never fails to be a constant machine

    Im compensate for my lack of intelligence by playing chess ♟️

    11:10 As a massive fan of both chess and the NFL I’m loving this new football fan Levy era

    I forgot how much I love listening to this guy blab about chess even if I’m not even looking at the screen

    Didnt say THE ROOOOKKKKKKK 16:10. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

    Remember when this video was called gangster chess? good times

    Remember when this video was called gangster chess? good times

    Didnt say THE ROOOOKKKKKKK 16:10. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

    21:40 why was white able to castle through check with black’s bishop on F5?

    Jorden Van Foghest caught me off guard 😂

    Levy, why, in your opinion, is there a seperation in mens and womens? Should there be?

    Levy never fails to drive an economical car 🚘

    Recaps are a lot of work, for me I'm saying LOL.

    I like it, good balance between click-bait/popularism and quality analysis

    Interesting to see the first big tournament of the year – although there does not seem to be a break for the big players with the rapid and blitz in the last week of the year.

    Yeah any way you look at G1 it ends with promotion, even queen sacrifice to remove the rook. If Nf7 Qg7 then Kb8 and you either xNf7 then Rc7 attempt to force a Qsac then eH8 promotes, or check at g3 but why would you because Ka8 and then you're literally just bringing back Qg7. You could try Nd8 but just Qd7 is free fork with Ka8. Lose-lose-lose 👏

    He said "i mean he's not Magnus but he'll improve" about the fucking world champion!!

    11:00 waking up in the morning in pearl harbour 7th december 1941?

    Levy like a real russian is saying womens and mens😂

    3:52 earlier you said there was a back rank mate if black queen takes the knight, wouldn't that also be the case here? Nxc7 and if Qxc7 then Qxc8# correct?

    Since it’s the first major tournament of the year, shouldn’t it be the Australian Open of chess???

    Levy, Roebers is pronounced as the following, I’ll try my best to explain how Dutch names and pronunciation works. I’ll use a dash to separate explanation from the letter itself. Letters marked with “apostrophes” are the part that is similar. Use the rest as a guide to get more familiar with the sound. If you already did a part correctly and/or it’s self-explanatory, itlll be a double dash.

    R – –
    Oe- think of whoopsie, and focus on the w”hoo”psie
    Ber- Burger King, focus on “B”urg ”er” king.
    s – –

    As for Beukema, which is a Flamish/Dutch name

    B – –
    Eu – Earl (as in Count, Viscount, Earl) focus on “ea”rl.
    K – –
    e- evidence, focus on evid”e”nce
    ma – think of a panicking child yelling for his mama. Something like ‘ “ma”! Levy is beating me again! ‘

    Levy never fails to say ladies and gentlemen

    As someone from Belgium playing chess, I don't even know Stefan. The chess scene is so small here that it could as well be non-existing.

    Where is the new recap mother father 😡

    Gotham, ever consider swapping your pronouns and making some money in women's chess? Nothing else changes, right? I'll call you my bro still. Do it for women's rights, that's the party line agreed upon.

    gotham my school just got cancelled wahhooooooooo

    what better way to end my day than a gotham video! thanks man 🙂

    People say you're funny but I never saw it. Then you said "This is what the kids say 'cooked severely'" and bruh I died

    Levy is the only content farm on this platform that is actually nice to watch

    I was wondering at the start of the video "I wonder how many times Levy started a video and said the wrong year out of habit", then 0:41

    Played my first brilliant move ever 😎 Idk why it was brilliant though…

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