Carlsen’s Chess Is So Unique, It Leaves You Questioning Everything

Magnus Carlsen’s Chess Is So Unique, You Question Everything You Know About Chess. This is his epic chess game against Hikaru Nakamura in the Titled Tuesday Chess Tournament, Early, on Another exciting chess game between Hikaru and Magnus Carlsen as they vie for first place in the Titled Tuesday chess tournament.

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%1$ Comments66

    My only issue w/ your channel is the critique of every move by these players that does not comport with the engine's top 1-2 moves. No chess player is capable of 100% engine play.

    Magnus is foolish imho to play so unsoundly sgainst someone as strong as Naka, lucky Naka didnt respond properly, i think he's a bit weak positionally, tactically excellent which is how he was ablle to survive

    What was so unique about Magnus' chess? Hikaru just blundered

    This is what makes Magnus so unique from the rest of super GM, he plays extremely awkward opening and confuse opponents even guys like Hikaru, yet he can pull it through , positional and tactical genuis

    You know it's a good game when the analysis is twice as long as the game.

    You know it's a good game when the analysis is twice as long as the game.

    This is what makes Magnus so unique from the rest of super GM, he plays extremely awkward opening and confuse opponents even guys like Hikaru, yet he can pull it through , positional and tactical genuis

    Magnus is the only person who is actually playing chess. Fk theory and draws. Everyone else is busy with same openings, same repetitive moves. Magnus is the fresh breeze in the world of chess.

    Magnus is the only person who is actually playing chess. Fk theory and draws. Everyone else is busy with same openings, same repetitive moves. Magnus is the fresh breeze in the world of chess.

    Carlsen has always done his best to get out of opening theory. That's where many people get him wrong. It's just that it's impossible to win world championships in classical chess without opening theory. The more aggressive the opening, the more likely a quick draw becomes.
    Here he's just having fun though.

    Carlsen has always done his best to get out of opening theory. That's where many people get him wrong. It's just that it's impossible to win world championships in classical chess without opening theory. The more aggressive the opening, the more likely a quick draw becomes.
    Here he's just having fun though.

    You can get away with playing such an off-beat opening ONLY if you know what you're doing! Magnus' chess knowledge, understanding, experience, and natural instincts are second to NONE.

    Magnus' mom: Magnus, you need to wear your jacket right-side out.

    Magnus: I can do what i want!

    Magnus' mom: Magnus, you need to wear your jacket right-side out.

    Magnus: I can do what i want!

    Carlsen should play the BOOMERANG OPENING (H4) against Hikaru.

    Carlsen should play the BOOMERANG OPENING (H4) against Hikaru.

    I always played a boring four knights Italian, the day after subscribing to epic chess I became an expert in the woodchuck variation, Seriously fun game that one, thanks James.

    I always played a boring four knights Italian, the day after subscribing to epic chess I became an expert in the woodchuck variation, Seriously fun game that one, thanks James.

    You can get away with playing such an off-beat opening ONLY if you know what you're doing! Magnus' chess knowledge, understanding, experience, and natural instincts are second to NONE.

    Bad game for Carlsen's standards. Although blitz, but still

    If you have been playing chess your entire life … then may I suggest that you either decide on a move or choose another vocation

    It's not unique. It's memorization. And that's why he got beat 13 to 2.5 in Chess 960 v Wesley So.

    Magnus has much higher intelligence than other players. Chess skill doesn’t automatically mean ultra high intelligence. He knows 1) computers are extremely valuable for chess learning, and far more importantly 2) humans aren’t even in the same stratosphere of play as computers. Critically important, to say that a position is -1.5 doesn’t tell you anything. -1.5 after a couple moves in the opening means little because no human can play the exact 10 moves the computer has in mind to realize this advantage. -1.5 in a simple ending is clearly just winning. The number itself doesn’t always matter in an unclear or difficult position. Magnus is willing to go down -1.5 lines to get his opponent into positions where their moves are difficult to find. That 1.5 advantage on move 5 isn’t real. It’s not “white has a pawn and a half” it’s “white has a pawn and a half advantage in 15 moves from now with perfect 3500 level calculation”.

    if only mr basman were still alive to see this!

    The genius of Magnus is he’s keeping chess fun for himself(and us fans) while absolutely torturing his opponents! The GOAT

    I think what needs to be questioned is the computer evaluation, we think chess has been solved because we have powerful engines but ten years from today those same engines will be weak and unreliable.

    My perception of Magnus has always been that he thinks outside of the box. I also have always gotten the impression that so many players feel they need to learn the cutting-edge theory the top players are playing and then understand the themes they use in the games, to attempt to win all of their games, that same way, since there isn't much left to discover in chess. I am also of the opinion that Magnus has gotten "bored" with playing all the usual stuff, which is what has prompted him to think outside the box and try things that are different. The first time I saw him move all of his pawns forward one square and then absolutely destroy an IM, I knew he was special in this regard, and it was why he was doing it. It wasn't because of something an engine said, though he may have consulted SESSE to see about the move order for a theme he was working on, but the basis of the ideas are uniquely his and they are a part of what makes him special.

    Haha laughed hard during your intro commentary. Very entertaining 😅

    Not related to this video but will you comment on the tournament in France designed solely to boost Alireza,Firoujza's rating? I think it is a sham

    Really good easy to follow analysis for newbies: nice also that you follow lines and show why they won’t work for someone. If you went back over misspoken sentences and edited out verbal blunders that would improve the quality. Other than that, quality stuff and the sustained enthusiasm for the game makes this an enjoyable watch

    8:27 Almost seemed like MC was extending the opportunity for counterplay…like for shitz-n-gigglez.

    what a rollercoaster of a game. how often to they blitz each other? I'd watch more of them go at it. I wonder how pumped up they are when knowing they're blitzing each other

    Didnt make me question chess. Not a good game by Magnus. Hikaru blundered not trapping the black bishop. He had the game. Magnus position crashed. Hikaru just missed Queen A3. But one thing i learn from Magnus. There is technically no best opening. If this was a video game, he would need to be nurfed 😅

    Eval bar in the beginning is not a big deal.

    Actually Magnus,s style of play in the opening has been known since the 20s as the hyper modern style where white (or black) is tempted to throw their pawns forward while black attacks from the flank hoping to take advantage of the weaknesses left behind. What it means is Magnus is not just a great player but a fine historian of the game. Hikaru made a fine comeback. Nice game!

    evaluation bars mean nothing in Magnnus's universe

    Magnus is redefining opening theory from the edges

    In the very beginning, I wonder how Magnus would have replied if instead of 3.c4, Hikaru had opted of 3.a4, which truly would have restrained b5 (because if 3.. b5, then 4. axb, axb 5.Bxa! (& Black can’t play NxB because of Ra1xRa8, winning the exchange & a pawn.) Does anyone know if white or black is better after 3.a4 (instead of 3.c4)?

    niemann will never do stuff like that, i wonder why

    Na7 😆 That horse skipped the bench and went straight to the bleachers…

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