ChatGPT vs Stockfish

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    chatgpt;we sacrifice the KINGGGGGGGGGGG

    "And stock fish takes the king" I couldn't stop laughing after that

    And he sacrificed

    And then he sacrificed…. THE KINGGGGG

    its hilarious how he resist to burst in laughing when he Say: "capturing his own bishop"

    Nobody:Never let them know your next move
    Chatgpt: and I took that personally Jordan meme😂

    "Pawn from non existence" got me rollin on the floor

    ChatGPTs behaviour in Chess is like Japan in WW2 😂😂😂

    I just realised
    Maybe it move through the 4th dimension
    So time 🤔

    "And it beat Stockfish"

    chat gpt losing in the end

    Chat gpt takes stockfish and makes it stock gpt

    and stockfick took the king 😂😂😂😂

    A noob here can someone tell what is stockfish it's different than AI?

    Ghat GPT sees what you can't, really a multidimensional being

    Chatgpt – still have brilliant move but i don't want to show it 😏
    Stockfish – please Mr. GPT tell me
    Chatgpt – that's too dam bad ! U keep playing 😤
    Stockfish – plz plz plz
    Chatgpt – ok gonna tell u
    Stockfish – yes ! Tell me

    Chatgpt – Summoning QUEEN 👑 😂
    Stockfish – 😭😭😭😭

    even stockfish learned to take the king

    Start: ChatGPT beat Stockfish
    End: Stockfish takes the king
    …. huh?

    im new to chess,how to be better at this game

    When your teacher is explaining and you trying to hold your laugh

    Should have used gpt4 and send the picture of the match for it, mayb could have avoid the non existed move

    The pawn became 18 at the wrong time

    How did the chat GPT end up with an extra bishop, rook, and +2 pawns?

    Chatgpt is disaster in chess 😂😂

    What happens when a king gets captured ai:infnite game.

    Stockfish era invented the sacrifice move, , chatgpt invented betrayed

    “Aight black pawn let me kill you” – Black King

    Humans: "AI will take over one day!"

    AI: captures It's own Bishop

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